Some info on Nova
23.03.2019 23:24
Link (just woke up from a nap and drew her on paper, I really like it)
Nova is a demon that was left on a doorstep by her original mother who is unknown, she was left with a note to raise her as a child without a life of sin, her new parents love her very much and have always taken good care of her
On the surface, Nova seems very typical of a teenage girl, she's super into pastel stuff and whatnot, and is pretty much a nice, calm, collected character, most of the time
But, being the demon she is, there will be random times where she kinda changes (sort of like an alternate personality) where she kinda goes full demon, she has a demon form (I have yet to draw) and turns into a rather scary being, from being held back from being a true demon for all these years
Oh and fun fact, her horns are sentient, and have a mind of their own, and can fly away from her head at any time
Also she has a "pet" snake, that can shift into a dude, I also have yet to draw him