Slate stuff
13.01.2020 20:28
13.01.2020 20:37
LinkSlate comes from a pretty rough past.He was abused as a pup and never enjoyed life.His father was an ass to him all his life,making him do things he dint want to do.His mother was loving and always comforted him when he needed it.From his experience of fights through his years, he became a paid assassin.He not very flirty.He always like's to be in charge.When he's command something, he does it. Doesn't quickly find love interests. He's away's getting into fights and doesn't usually show compassion.He has a quick temper and could lash out at anytime.
welp,thats Slate for you.
Weakness:Past,his dad,At times emotions,chains
Strengths:Strength lol,knowledge,charms(only when he needs something,very rare if he's trying to be noticed)
Likes:Navy??Mia??(hmmmmmmm)pain to those he dislikes
He's just kinda all over the place lol