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venting (let me type)
03.09.2018 17:00
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okay this is gonna contain a lot of personal stuff so be warned i guess im not asking you to believe all of this, i really don't care if you think im lying just don't call me out on it. please. i don't care if you think it, but saying it to my face just hurts. it kind of feels like you're ignoring my problems for no other reason then "a bunch of other people fake it, so i doubt this one isn't" if that makes any sense at all anyways i've got a lot of problems with my parents, more specifically with my mom. right now, she's forcing me to clean my room running on very little food, water and sleep and won't let me eat or drink until it's her level of clean, which is basically "there's one too many specks of dust on this dresser, your room's not clean" she yelled at me because i only got 2 hours of sleep and she woke me up at 8 and i went back to sleep for 2 hours the only thing i've had to eat today was a bowl of cereal, but i've had nothing to drink and my throat is really dry this
03.09.2018 17:00
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happens a lot more than you probably think and there's a bunch of stories i could tell you about her but i'm only going to stick with a few one time it was around 90-ish degrees where i lived and my mom was dragging me to the dog park whenever she does that we're always there for hours and everyone that was there when we arrived had already left like an hour ago we had already gone to the dog park like 3 times this week (in a row), and i was really worn out, tired and hungry but ha she didn't care me being a stubborn child, i told her i was gonna lock myself in the car until we left and that's exactly what i did except it took her three hours to leave and i was on the verge of passing out my skin was a literal ocean, no joke so basically a child threatened to endanger her life until her mother left a dog park and it took the child almost dying after 3 hours for her to leave and then she yelled at me for drinking her water wow ooh here's a good one it's another dog par
03.09.2018 17:00
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it's another dog park story we were about to go to the dog park when the cat got out. me, being the youngest and most athletic (which is disappointing, by the way, i'm a lazy shit) in the house, i had to go get her. afterwards, my clothes were covered basically head to toe in dirt and grass and earth stuff i told my mom that i was gonna go change, but she had already locked the door and everything and we were already outside. she refused to unlock the door or open the garage door and we had to wait 15 minutes for her to do anything and what did she do? threaten to leave a minor alone on the porch with no food or water on a hot summer day with no way of contacting anybody for hours parenting 100 it took her another 10 minutes to open the garage door which literally just took the press of a button hg
03.09.2018 17:01
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last story i guess so my mom was about to go to the store finally to buy the food that we haven't had and needed for weeks but my parents are lazy and apparently want to starve me, but her coupons weren't cut out yet and of course, me being the child of the house, i was the coupon cutter slave. but that same week, we were supposed to have guests, one of which were staying in my room. which wasn't clean. so i had to go clean it. obviously. i left my mom a note that said something along the lines of "hey, cut your own coupons old lady, i've seen you do it before you're not entirely crippled i gotta clean my room anyways because dad told me to and i actually listen to him because hey, he doesn't threaten to starve me maybe that's why i don't like you" and i went upstairs to clean my room wow anyways i went down to get something to drink, and my mom was down there, and she didn't say anything to me about the note so i just assumed "k im not gonna get my ass whooped" ha
03.09.2018 17:01
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later on my mom stepped on my dog's foot or something and i went downstairs to go check on her, but then my mom said this "no, no. get out of here. i don't want to see you again, i don't want to know you anymore. i wish i had never known you." which is basically "get the **** out of my house i wish you were never born" :)))))) so i went up to my room and drew like a dumb nerd, and my dad came up a bit later and we talked for a bit because again i like him better than my mom some point in the convo i brought up mom saying stuff about wishing she never knew me or whatever, and my dad in a nutshell said "oh you hurt her feelings" and ok hold on my parents know i have depression, i told my amino friends and they used to stalk my amino chats so yeah they know
03.09.2018 17:01
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and they never said or did anything about it which means that basically my mom's fwagile wittle feewings are more important than the fact that i'm having the same existential crisis someone in their forties would have when i'm only 13 and i require die anyways there's so many more stories i could tell, but that makes me feel like i'm almost wearing my abusive and neglectful parents/ mom i guess as a pity badge? oof they've hit me and insulted me and stuff in the past, that's basically most of the other stories but yeah im tired and i'm gonna go not sleep so kbye
04.09.2018 02:48
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Dang Ginny I would love to punch her like 40 times and shove her face in dog shit because no parent should ever treat there child like that. I know there isn't much that I can do, but if you need to talk or something please don't forget about me(all though who you talk to or who you want to go to should never be centered around anyones including my feelings) and that I'm here for you. I do want to say though that if doing something that could end up in hurting yourself because you want to go against your mom isn't the best idea sometimes. I don't wanna see you get really sick or something even worse because that would really not be fun. Also like I don't think Parker wants to see you hurt as well just keep that in mind okay be safe gouda bye
04.09.2018 03:16
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oof the only reason i really hurt myself was to see what she would do, honestly, and since she left because the dogs were tired, not because i was basically about to die, im convinced she wouldn't care if i died
04.09.2018 10:59
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n o d o n t s a y t h a t g i n n y i m s u r e s h e w o u l d c a r e w h o w o u l d c u t h e r c o u p o n s? w h o w o u l d a c t u a l l y h e l p h e r o u t e v e n t h o s h e i s a w i t c h? y o u, a n d d o n t y o u f o r g e t t h a t
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