- create flipbook animations online!
04.03.2019 02:48
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Ok, so basically I most probably won't be on for 2 weeks or so, because as you know, the "Momo Virus" is going around. If you don't know what it is, it's basically a thing that gets into your device and tells you if you don't kill yourself, kill your friend, etc., I'll kill your parents, you, etc. and it has a creepy pic of some statue. I know it's fake, and I won't listen to it, but I want to avoid the virus getting into my laptop and destroying everything and my artwork that I worked hard on, and I want the FBI to track the virus quickly, and using my laptop may interfere. But, anyways, if you do encounter this virus or the video on youtube that hypnotizes you, call the FBI to come to your home. Sadly, a lot of children have already encountered the virus and passed away. Until further notice or until the hacker gets sent to jail/caught, I will be off of Flipanim and my laptop in general. As always, stay safe.
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