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Info about Inkie
22.01.2020 00:32
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Her personality is a mix of cynical, sarcastic, insane, hyper, carefree, hotheaded, and sometimes kind. She can shapeshift and use her arms to make sticky spider webs out of ink if she chooses. She can be rude, but once you get to know her she's pretty cool.
22.01.2020 00:41
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She's usually pretty sensitive about a certain form she has. Why doesn't she like to talk about it? Well, she takes a certain form when she goes on a rampage. And sometimes she has an urge to eat flesh, ink, anything that can be on a body, and that's the most likely time she could take this certain form she has. Usually she goes to find a searcher she can sink her teeth into to ease the urge, but sometimes it can get out of control and she ends up eating the guts of many creatures in the studio. She's kinda frienimies with sammy, cause although they get along well with eachother, sometimes sammy is afraid of inkie cause when she craves flesh, ink, or guts, sometimes she accidentally goes after him cause she can't recognize him or anything or anyone around her during her rampage.
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