Of voice thing


02.06.2018 05:14
LinkSince it's one am and I'm on my phone this isn't gonna be actual audio, just a short little description.
Blue J- like me I've done voice reveals before hi.
Stitches- he just has that stereotypical gay guy sort of voice. Like that really girly and high pitched guy voice. For fellow Glee fans, sort of like Kurt Hummel only he isn't a singer.
Ghost- she has that stereotypical black-woman-who-works-at-some-fast-food-place-and-is-incredibly-sassy voice, only it's higher picthed since she is a small child.
Soul- she has that sort of teenage angsty girl voice but also sounds really wise and comforting like she knows what she's talking about all the time.
Mask- Pete Wentz. Just Pete Wentz. Actually, maybe if Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie had a kid..
Scarlet: For those Sander Side fans, sort of like female Deceit Sanders. She just has this really deep, early voice and is constantly cocking her head which makes her voice even creepier and anxiety inducing.

02.06.2018 05:16