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Stitches backstory
13.03.2018 18:44
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13.03.2018 18:50
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I don't even think anyone asked for this one but here it is. Stitches backstory. Our lovable little voodooo doll! woopdeedoo! Whatever, I'll get to the story now. Okay, so Stitches wasn't always a doll. He was actually human at one point and had a decent life. He had two loving parents and was an only child. He lived in a pretty decent house and had lots of friends. He got a good education and lived in a nice neighborhood. His best subject was science and he was always interested in expierementing and testing things out. He would always ask for a get science kits for birthdays or Christmas and everyone he knew supported him in it. He wanted to be a scientist one day until everything crashed. He was mixing chemicals together in his room when he was seven and accidentally set a small fire on his desk. Instead of putting it out, he watched it for a while and let it grow. He knew exactly what the chemicals in his hand would do but he did this anyway. He poured the liquid onto the fire, causing an explosion.
13.03.2018 18:57
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It killed his parents and severely injured him. He was taken into trial for attempted murder and was given the insanity card and sent to a mental institution for children. He met Blue J there and they hit off right away. He was the only person she would talk to and vice versa. He stayed there until he was twelve. On his 12th birthday he was given a doll from one of the doctors and didn't want to keep it so he was going to give it to Blue J. He started looking for her and the next day found her dead in a closet in the hallway. A few days later, the burglar alarm went off and all of the kids were forced to hide in their rooms and lock the door. Stitches had been in the hallway when it went off, and thinking it was the meal bell he went into the cafeteria where he met the people who had broken in and was stabbed multiple times and later pronounced dead. He was sent to Skyfall and given the extra chance but instead of going as a human he was sent looking like the doll he was going to give to his friend as a gift.
13.03.2018 18:58
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He didn't look completely like the doll though. Instead of having no outside stitching, he now had multiple stitches to represent the cuts and stabs which killed him. there ya go. This one was also kind of sad but what'da expect?
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