For a thing


01.08.2019 22:49

01.08.2019 22:51
Linkikr amazing

02.08.2019 04:28

Sexuality: Bi
Age: 15
Supernatural: Telekinisis
Problems or Perks: She has big anger issues and tends to kill a lot but only because of ppl who tried to do test on her. She has a mother she accidently killed from fighting her dad. She has a hard backstory so here goes.
Fandom: Dont know if StrangerThings is a fandom but shes one of the sisters of 11
She was sick one day and the docters had to do test on her. Apparently, she was born like this and had to go in the rainbow room if you know what i mean. She escaped and had to survive at age 12. She went around trying to escape, dealing with emotions, like monsters taking over her body and things like that.. she lived with a family for a little, but she ran away once they realised her powers. She dies from her powers costing her weakness when she tried to make a train stop going to fast. Once she saved the train, she passed out and never woke up....