Camera Movement Animation
idk pls rate this
aCtiVaTe gEar bOy
Happy Holidays!
should I make a series?
21.11.2018 00:20
LinkIf you want to go for it!
I'll be in it, maybe it should be about something scary! I'll say my idea for it, A few frends have heard on the news that there had been a mysterious thing that had been happening. It all started with three little girls who were all sisters and had went to this kinda scary and sketchy house, and they never returned the next day or after that... and then some other kids went and they had made it out, and had told everyone about it... So then the few frends wanted to go and make sure it wasn't fake... and then they make it out... but with a horible experience... thats the idea... I made it up on the spot so yeah...