Dragons- lurking in the dark
Nick tail wag test
hay mucho viento :v
I dunno
- Let Me Have Release -
Dragon Uni
Anybody bored?
26.10.2018 00:51
26.10.2018 00:51
Linkyeet, just need one more to make this less boring
26.10.2018 00:52
Linkwut theme? maybe lab..?
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Rasby: well, one is to pretend to be in a cage and act wild like what I did back there and wait till they tranq you, then they will fling you to an outdoor indoor jungle and my sister dug out a tunnel under a specific tree. *took out 2 berries* I only got to but one is to prevent the tranq liquid from being fully stable.
Rasby: -he got thrown to the table and scientists holding his legs, wings, tail and muzzle down. he moves vigorously, quickly sneakly ate the berrie-
Lab scientist: -grabs shot
Lab scientist 1: -"accidentally" cuts his leg with knife, made a scar-
Lab scientist 3 and 4: -wwaiting till they're done with him, then her is next-
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