tip fanart- Blues

-Driving Through The Country-

Distant memory


Looking around

the birth of snakecat

Fresh Breeze
Warrior cat rp?


15.09.2019 01:17

15.09.2019 01:18

15.09.2019 01:18
LinkI'll use Bat'kit (the one called whoOpS KILled SoMEBoDy just without the blood and wings)

15.09.2019 01:19
LinkI- mean ketchup

also all characters in skyclan im adding into my book about mothstar so ye
rip moonfeather honestly
if u confused i could explain it just ask

Moonkit was Dappleleaf's kit, and she was born without a paw. Sharpkit, another kit in the nursery, bullied her about this. She was training to become a warrior, but Deernose (the medicine cat) found out that Moonpaw knows all the herbs by heart, despite having no training. Deernose tried to tell her that she needed to become a medicine cat, but Moonpaw said, nah, and snuck out with a thunderclan apprentice named Jaggedpaw. She continued training until one night she had a dream from her father who died, Lionbranch, that she needed to be a medicine cat. Moonpaw certainly wasn't happy, but became a medicine cat anyway. She recieved the name Moonfeather just the very next morning. She and Jaggedpaw had met up again, and Jaggedpaw said, "I'm Jaggedpuddle now." She was happy for him, and headed back to camp. She ate a weird looking fish. After a while, there is a gathering. Moonfeather feels sick and almost gets buried alive. She goes to the gathering anyways. Vinestar, their leader, accusing Seedstar, the River-

-Riverclan leader, of poisoning the cats after Moonfeather had ate one. Seedstar of course said that he didn't, and after a bit of arguing the gathering ended. Just as they were heading back their was a fire in the Thunderclan camp. Vinestar along with all the other cats in Windclan dashed to their camp. Meanwhile, Jaggedpuddle was helping Moonfeather give birth to a kit. The kit is born and makes white fire appear, and then all the fire extinguishes. Vinestar is dead oopsie. After mourning the loss of Vinestar, Deernose tries to poison Moonfeather's kit. "Snowkit is too dangerous!" Deernose said. Moonfeather almost ripped her fur off. Snowkit then becomes Snowpaw moons later, and is given the mentor of Thistleleaf. Sharppaw is also now Sharptail. Snowpaw gets into a fight with another apprentice named Nutpaw, and almost kills her. Moonfeather sends them to the new leader, Pebblestar. After that Snowpaw leaves camp, and Moonfeather follows. She tries to talk to him, but Snowpaw replies. "I am not Snowpaw any-

-"I am not Snowpaw anymore. I am Iceheart!" And fricken kills Moonfeather. He then proceeds to kill a Skyclan cat. Jaggedpuddle and more cats go to stop Iceheart, but only end up getting Jaggedpuddle and another cat killed. They mourn the loss of them. The clan is in despair, and heavy rain pours down. Lightning strikes a tree, causing it to fall in front of the camp entrance. The rain doesn't put out the flames though, and almost everything catches on fire. Deernose saves some kits and after the fire, dies from smoke inhalation. A queen asks Pebblestar if she could name her kits. Deernose saved her kits. Pebblestar says yes. "I will name this one Featherkit after Moonfeather, and this one Smokekit after Deernose.
And thats all i have in my book so far