Apex Legends fanart <3
three finger salute
I Have Eyes!
-=ClOuD rUnNeR=-
Copy cat
Legend of Akyori / 3
29.07.2017 18:23
LinkAkori awoke with a start. Or at least he thought he was awake. Until he realised what was standing infront of him.
A huge, silver and grey cat. Seemingly a Maine Coone. The giant scared him at first, until he realised that there was completely peacefulness in his gaze.
He tilited his head. The greater cat seemingly bowed, then flicked his tail for Akori to follow.
The cat led Akori through seemingly just wilderness, nothing out of the ordinary. The same black moth flew up to them, and just followed.
Then suddenly, there was a flash. Around him was mountains, forest, nothing in sight other than that and the sea in the distance.
It looked similar to what he had thought when staring at the stars. Except, as a mighty place.
Not complete empty wilderness. The cat bowed again, and suddenly Akori was really awake.
He yawned, and just sat there, thinking about what had happened in his dream. Until, he jolted up as he heard Rainleap outside.
29.07.2017 18:23
Link"Coming!" Akori meowed. He dashed outside, and almost bumped into Rainleap and some other clan members. He then followed Rainleap out to the training area.
They finished up battle moves and hunting. Then, Akori practiced with some of the other apprentices. When they were about to go back into the camp,
he remembered his dream and the Moth..
"Can I hunt alone for a bit?" He asked. Rainleap nodded. He then darted off, to the place the moth was before he had left the other day.
It was almost as though it had waited for him there. So, he continued following it carefully. It led him the same path in his dream.
But, where the flash happened, it just carried on. He was lightly confused, but didn't question it.
The moth lead him to some sort of clearing. On the sides of it were crystals. In the center was the same huge cat.
The cat was staring down at a flower, the color red. It looked up at him, and finally spoke.
29.07.2017 18:24
Link"I've been expecting you, Akyori.." The mysterious cat spoke, his voice loud and powerful, yet peaceful at the same time.
Akori was confused by the fact he was called 'Akyori' and not Akori.
"Uhm.. It's Akori." He meowed. The cat nodded.
"Oh, I know. But Akyori is your new name." The cat said. Then he looked at Akori, as if telling him not to question.
Akori nervously nodded.
"We will meet here, with a few other cats. Some you may know, some you may not. We will introduce ourselves tomorrow." The cat spoke.
"Okay..." Azkori meowed. He darted off as the giant dismissed him. He quickly caught something to bring back, specifically two mice.
He plopped them into the pile, and got something for himself. He hungrily gulped it down. He then sighed, and thought about what all had happened.
29.07.2017 18:24
LinkHe looked at his paws, if that cat is powerful, maybe I am too? He thought. Why else would he want me to be there? Is there some sort of..
Story or something behind me? That I have to carry? Spread? Why does it have to be so complicated and crazy? He sighed again.
He got up, and went into the apprentice den. He curled up on his moss in the corner. The other apprentices were speaking with eachother.
He ignored them, and stared back out the crack in the roof. He was almost thrown back into the dream. He eventually sighed.
He struggled to sleep, but eventually the feeling was too much, and he drifted into sleep.
Akori woke up in another dream. This time, a heavy weight was on his head down to his shoulders. Something was around his paws and tail.
Something was in his ears. He was confused. Below him was a desert. His paw prints in the sand. Then suddenly, life exploded around him, trailing from his paws.
Grass, water, trees, everything. So much green, when there was just nothing a second ago.
29.07.2017 18:25
LinkThen, it disapeared to nothing again. Everything was wilted and dead instead. A ball of Fire was erupted into the air, it circled around him.
Then, a rock did the same. A globe of water, and a breeze going around him. The four elements. He knew those at least.
Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. Did he control them?
What about the plants? Why did they die suddenly? Why did they come to life suddenly? Did he control Life and Death, too?
Is this how powerful he is? Powerful enough to control life and death?
The elements stopped dancing around him, and they instead dashed into the ground in various places. It formed a whole livable habitat.
If he can control death and those elements, could he remove them? Make the plants die?
So.. I really am Powerful?....
29.07.2017 18:31
Linkthis is getting good... .v.
29.07.2017 18:33
LinkRandomatic-i agree :3-N
29.07.2017 18:34
Linkhehe, I have much more in store.
This leads up to a whole thing I have.
Just wait c;
29.07.2017 18:34
Linkalso this is my alt account :P
29.07.2017 18:36