Flipanim sucks (And heres why)


25.11.2018 06:50
LinkOkay so why does flipanim suck well heres reasons.
1. This trash has become hell with cringy animators
2. Most of the popular kids arent even good at animating (MEMEFRUIT, whipcreamdoggo, jamal360, etc.)
3. Everyone's a ***** to people who actually have deppression
4. There are people who FAKE deppression, and annoy the shit out of everyone
5. There's too much furries (they ears there are part of my hood dw)
6. People complaining about no features
7. The wannabe trolls
8. The drama
9. Penelex
10. Everyone

25.11.2018 21:30
Linkthats valid thats why i stick to good old stick animations
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1. I don't think this website is full of bad people, like look, all sad "depressed" children I know are helena and mina-catz, and thats it really
I think flipanims good in general, there are lots of good people.
(example; samwiched, minterou, and other people that are known as kind people on here)
2. ehh, I can kinda agree with that, but its not really their fault that they have that much followers, its just the people that decide to follow him.
3. I have never seen anyone with depression, but im guessing that there are some, you know, I think it would be obvious to spot the difference between an attention seeker and a person thats actually depressed.
4. aha y e s
thats something I can agree with 100%
like man
some of the kids annoy the shit out of me
I mean, Im a kid too but when I see them fake depression which is not a good thing to do
I feel like a mature 44 year old talking to a 5 year old that doesn't know life yet
not gonna lie though, i've been one of those too, but like damn
(I have more

5. I mean we can't really do anything about it
really think about it
we've been furries too so like a
6. oh god I remember when I was one of them
If I had to explain how its like to have a feature, the first day you get one, is amazing.
but later on you get bored of it and it feels normal.
7. oh no
oh no
I mean I get it sometimes people wanna be trolls but still
oh no
8. I don't see much drama really
I mean atleast there isn't drama everyday
if so like once a week
9. I disagree with this one
10. I don't really know what to say here
at the same time I do agree but I also don'T