fan art of three people
*Makes it profile picture*
Recieve Thy Feature, Dudes.
Raybot Doin Stuff
BubbleLeaf ♥
16.02.2018 15:57
LinkOkay, so I decided I would do an text chat with some stranger by typing in a random number and talking to them. They asked me if I had any diseases/ disorders. I responded with "Oh yeah, I have depression, anxiety disorder, weak immune system which causes me to get sick more often, abnormal eating habits which haven't been diagnosed which makes it where I'm almost never hungry and I'm too skinny for my age, short attention span which could possibly be from a.d.d or a.d.h.d which also hasn't been diagnosed, and that's about it. That's all I know about". After I texted that, they LITERALLY TRIED TO ONE UP ME! Usually I don't care if someone tries to one up me, they are better than me I get it, but with disorders and deseases? Really? What good is it that you have cancer or something and I don't? How are you in any way better/ cooler than me? If you honestly had such extreme diabetes you could hardly eat anything! I doubt you also have low attention span with how focused you are to be 'better' than me!
16.02.2018 16:00
LinkLike, why are you bragging about having like twenty more disorders than me? That isn't something to brag about! Yeah, I have an unstable head, you think I go around bragging about it expecting a reward? I get the award for being the most emotionally unstable! I get the award for having a deeper state of depression than you! Like, why? That's not how it works. Don't expect a medal for having more things wrong with you than me or really anyone. Also, most of them were most likely made up trying to impress me or anger me or something. The person I was talking to claimed to be twenty when they were typing like a two year old. (sigh) people suck.