2000 likes special! Pls talkXD


15.05.2019 04:43
Linkwhat do you think about this?

15.05.2019 04:44

15.05.2019 04:49
Link2nd question
on a scale of 1-10 (ten being amazing)what do you rate my art (give reason(s) why you gave it that rating)

15.05.2019 04:50
Link7/10, because mostly i see few effort put into the arms or hair try to add little tiny spikes on the edge of an animals fur to make it look like fur,

if u were watching someone slowly dying (not physically but like mentally) and when they are 'mentally dead' they actually die, what steps would u take to prevent that from happening?
would u rather eat pus in ur cereal or have ur period be only pus?
how old u?