FlipAnim 2018

Cute Kitten :3

thepapersandwich as an avatar

Smol UBIL scene

Chapter 2 Page 1

Serena From Vaniville Pokemon

A bond


27.08.2018 22:18

first I am so sorry for what I was doing and posting. first when I went to school people would make fun of me by asking WHAT THE HELL ARE U AN ALIEN and I was like NO and this girl that I never meet was walking with scissors and so i can at her and I said HEY CAN I BARROW THOSE? and she was like YEAH... Sure and... oh I needed the scissors for a project we were working for. and so she came to my face and hold my have a started to cut e all over my hands (AT SCHOOL). but I never told anyone until now. My dad got associated by a neighbor that we use to live near bu and when to jail. After that, my mom sold me to an adoption school and she dropped a letter saying I wish YOU were NEVER BORN!...SORRY, MY CHILD. when I found that in the basement I was mad and told someone and I knew it was her because she never liked me so yeah. I never had friends when I got to school. when I get home from school and there was this man walking through me saying hey and in the sidewalk and I said hi back but when I was about to I w
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