Nick tail wag test
Timelapse |TristanTele|
tian gou(not yin yang shi!
No place like home 🍀
22.03.2019 21:20
LinkWell this rant is about faking depression, faking mental issues for attention,fake cutting yourself, etc
Let's start with fake depression shall we? JUST STOP IT. I know how it feels to have depression and trust me it isn't pleasant so why would you fake having it?
Who's let's move on to fake cutting yourself. Half the time people who are
"cut" (when I say "cut"I mean people who fake it)their selfs don't even know why people cut their arms. Well it's so you cut your veins or some do it just so they can do it. Why would you fake something like that? I've also seen a post where someone supposedly used marker to fake a cut like bruh...just why??? -_-
Now mental issues. oh mental issues I know that some people on here do have some but some dont. Like I was a post where someone was bragging about having it and when someone denied that person having any the started get mad. This actually pisses me off since I'm one of the unlucky few who actually have some mental illnesses.
22.03.2019 21:21
LinkSorry for talking to much but all of this just annoys me
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23.03.2019 14:47
LinkThis rant was directed towards lacey and some others...STOP AND PLEASE APOLOGIZE IF YOU HAVE FAKED ANY OF THIS