09.02.2019 12:39
LinkI’m srry to vent, but some of these people on FA are doing stuff to them selve because of their “depression” for instance they cut theirselves, I’m not naming names but my two freinds from school are cutting themeselves, and I don’t think they have depression I think their just trying to fit in, but it’s making me upset knowing that some people have it worse and others are just doing things to themselves, just because they want to fit in with other people, and please stop doing these thing to yourselves because it’s not gonna help you, you can accidentally cut a vein, and probably die, then you’ll be upset because suicide sends you to hell, and that’s worse than being here, and don’t say it isnt
09.02.2019 12:41
LinkAnd it feels that FA is slowing down not the website but the people’s on the website, come here to get away from your troubles, not invite them, no one needs your pity and stop doing things to yourself, bc ur doing things to others, I might get a little harsh but you need to STOP.
As a person with actual depression, it's really dumb to see other people say they cut themselves cause they have depression.I cut myself before and found that it does not help at all, in fact, it made me sad that I was even doing it and some people might have depression and cut themselves, but mostly it's either hormones or fitting in.