Amaryllis was in her seat, grading papers for another teacher, when the kids started coming in.
Night: His baby squeaky voice, "Morning, Miss Contrestia!"
Cinnamon: " Hello, No need to be shy! " * He'd Stand up as he will show
you a seat and questioned you * " Wanna sit here? " ( Near the Teacher's
Desk )
Mary: She clasped her paws together, flittering her wings. "Alright kids, I'm gonna hand you out your stuff. Get out your art boxes!" She got up and started handing the kids drawing paper, pencils, pens, markers, and scissors.
Cinnamon: " YAY! " * He'd run back to is chair and started drawing
Miss Ink with a China Aster Flower Crown and Draw his Self wearing a
Zinnia Flower Crown while Butterflies and Flowers are the Background *
Mary: "You have your papers don't you? Go ahead!"
Night: He picked up the pencil and started sketching on the paper. He drew himself and Cinnamon holding paws. He grabbed the paper and licked it, and then hugged it.
Night: He set the paper down, and got out his markers. He scribbled in Cinnamon in bright color, leaving himself uncolored.
(btw Night is Mary's child so he's good at art and SASSYYY)
Cinnamon: " Devil town is colder in the summertime. " * Starts Drawing
Some Butterflies and Flowers while it was daytime but first he make a
base and started sketching *
Cinnamon: " Man i really love to see Nature around my surroundings. "
* He'd Started closing his eyes while thinking he is with nature *
(s u g e r)
Marry: "Alright kids, continue drawing. I will be back, I have to go print some things." She walked out the door but peered over the corner saying, "Night is in charge." She then disappeared.
Night: "Y-you heard her! I'm in charge! Bend down before me!"
Cinnamon: * Walks back to his chair and saw a Black Bracelet and a
Goldfish and wears the bracelet and eats the Goldfish as He continue
doing a Line art of his New Drawing *
Night: Her peered at Cinnamon. His tail wagged. He looked up at BrightStalker. He pounced onto him, upside down, claws sinking into Bright's back, pulling her down. "C-cmon! Get down here!"
Night: He fell onto two desks on his back. He started tearing up into tears. "OWW!!!" He cried loudly.
Mary: She rushed into the room, with papers. She set them down quickly on her desk, running toward her son. "What happened honey?"
Night: "BRIGHT- *hiccup* SHE-SHE*cough*WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
Mary: She sighed. "Thank you, Cinnamon."
Night: He bawled out his eyes.
Mary: She held him and comforted him. "Shh... sh... it's okay sweetie... Mommy will help you.."
Night: He started to stop crying, but still hiccuping.
(If I fall:
-fictional death: -BrightStalker fell from a high place-
-realistic death: actually she won’t die, the spider is too small and too light to die or even get hurt when it hits the ground
Night: He was staring at a drawing of Cinnamon. He huffed and scratched it up, crumpling at tearing it. He looked down, getting a sharp pain in his back.
Night: He ignored Cinnamon and got a new sheet of paper. He drew a knife. He started sketching on it more, making it more detailed.
(I had an Idea that Mary and Drake (who are both past killers) had a kid! So that Night.)
Mary: "Ashley go sit down." She ordered. She turned to Surge. "Welcome Surge!"
Night: He turned around and shot up, and ran to Surge. He hugged him. "Hey bro, how you've been?"