17.12.2018 00:45
Linklooks like you re-colored ur own oc's hair
17.12.2018 00:55
LinkNo.. dude this is from the sketch comic i'm doing and this is how he looks with color. Now go away, we all know you just want attention so you make fun of me to hide your petty insecurities
17.12.2018 01:13
Linklol nah
i may be insecure, u got that (being honest)
i don;t want attention
just sayin
now chill, also, just a tip from experience, i do and have done this too, but maybe widen the left (the character's right) shoulder JUUUUUUSsT a bit, to help with anatomy. i do this too, like i want you to KNOW i know i do, so u don;t try to believe i think im perfect or the best, i ain't
and idk rant if u want, but im just being honest
17.12.2018 02:00
Linkethan,you need to learn to not freak out when people state opinions or ask questions.if you do that it makes people not want to follow you or even be near you.axo was stating her opinion
18.12.2018 00:13
Linkhey ethan,when are you gonna stop being pissy and respond?