- create flipbook animations online!
Wanna flip a table
26.02.2018 13:50
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This is the second laptop I've used that has busted and I didn't do anything. My first one (MY actual laptop) wouldn't turn on and when j tried to make it turn on the fan would come on as if it was overheated when it wasn't and the caps lock and number link lights would flash. Now this one won't even connect to my internet and the internet is up and working. I know this laptop is ancient and that my router is pretty old too but my internet on my phone and my sisters laptop are up so that proves it's not the internet. The only network it's connecting to is an unknown one that has no service. It won't even tell me what or if I can connect to mine! I just wanted to get just school work done and draw. Is that too much to ask??! Why is the universe punishing me?? What have I done wrong this time?! I've already flipped off my laptop but now I want to actually flip the table over. I reset everything on my laptop also but nothing.
26.02.2018 13:54
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Nevermind after spending like thirty minutes looking for problems and resetting things my dad came into the room and simply flicked a switch on the side of my laptop that turns the internet for it off and on. He explained that it probably got bumped in my bag when I put my laptop in my book bag to go to my grandparents house. Okay, welp, time to kill myself.
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