

02.09.2019 18:24
LinkName(s): Lilykit, Lilypaw, Rabbitpaw, Rabbittail
Rank: Medicine Cat/Apprentice
Clan: WindClan
Mentor: Moorefoot
Siblings: Bloompaw and Bearpaw
Parents: Thrushwing and Twitchfoot
Other: Took Bloompaw's place as medicine cat apprentice because she knew her sister was in love with Windpaw

Im already driving a bit, and im okay i just CAN NOT PARK..
I know flame, i understand. Ive gone through a lot as well, still am. Im glad your getting better at not doing it, its a HUGE step. Just start off with baby steps for now, i dont expect you to become like, extremely happy out of nowhere. I just need you to understand, to grasp that so many people care for you, and im always here if you need me. I'm almost always on.