Star Kirby: Charge Speeds
24.03.2018 00:52
Linkthis ability has 3 stages of charge
they work much like the charge on abilities like Spark or Plasma, but instead of waggling the joystick to build up charge, charge builds up over time
the more stars you have the faster charge builds up (60 sec no stars, 45 sec 25 star, 30 sec 50 star, and 15 sec 75 star)
the amount of charge affects your attacks and stuff
Down + B
charge 0: a smol star orbits you for a shield
charge 1: 2 smol stars orbit you for a shield
charge 2: 3 smol stars orbit you for a shield
charge 3: you get a force field shaped like a star
charge 0: shoot a smol star
charge 1: shoot 2 smol stars
charge 2: shoot 3 smol stars that spread out as they go
charge 3: shoot a big star
Up + B
these attacks are the same as just pressing B but they go up instead
Down + B (in the air)
these attacks are the same as just pressing B but they go down instead
Dash + B
these attacks are the same as just pressing B but they arc through the air before crashing down on your enemies
24.03.2018 00:54
B (near enemy)
charge 0: kirby grabs an enemy and a star appears and hits it
charge 1: kirby grabs an enemy and 2 stars appear and hit it
charge 2: kirby grabs an enemy and 3 stars appear and hit it
charge 3: kirby grabs an enemy and a big star appears and hits it
(shooting resets charge back to 0 like with spark or plasma)