12.09.2017 08:46
Linkalright so im gonna be ranting about stuff so uh first off...What the f*** happened to the kids today?,seriously kids my age are cursing,dating people,or yea maybe even 1st graders and the people younger than me damn i really miss the old ones,same thing with music i miss music like counting stars,diamonds and shower,kids always try to flirt with E V E R Y S I N G L E D A M N P E R S O N including me,i find it really weird i am really heartbroken heck i refuse to like anyone because i immediately assume that they will reject me instantly and thats why im the only person who believes true love doesnt exist ...unless its my otp,frigging...hate...them also people are SASSY AS F*** they already assume im lesbian for no f***ing reason and i fricking hate it oh god AND calls me immature i heard them all gossiping AND IM SITTING REAL NEAR THEM DAFUQ ARE THEY BLIND,*sigh* what the f*** happened to them anyway we got bossy ass girls they always think they are the boss of everything but really they are just faggots
12.09.2017 08:52
Link..who needs to be learn how to respect people and they spread rumors about for NO FRICKING REASON SERIOUSLY DAFUQ DID I DO TO YOU!?!?!!? and bulls*** comes out of their mouth every damn day UGH thanks to all of these things i might have more anger issues than before. watch out everyone,everyone is scared of angry me,tbh i hate those lol i think i should make anims about these....i want to kill them all i swear....
alright so im gonna be ranting about stuff so uh first off...What the f*** happened to the kids today?,seriously kids my age are cursing,dating people,or yea maybe even 1st graders and the people younger than me damn i really miss the old ones,same thing with music i miss music like counting stars,diamonds and shower,kids always try to flirt with E V E R Y S I N G L E D A M N P E R S O N including me,i find it really weird i am really heartbroken heck i refuse to like anyone because i immediately assume that they will reject me instantly and thats why im the only person who believes true love doesnt exist ...unless its my otp,frigging...hate...them also people are SASSY AS F*** they already assume im lesbian for no f***ing reason and i fricking hate it oh god AND calls me immature i heard them all gossiping AND IM SITTING REAL NEAR THEM DAFUQ ARE THEY BLIND,*sigh* what the f*** happened to them anyway we got bossy ass girls they always think they are the boss of everything but really they are just faggots
.-. dude chill we don't need a nine year old cursing every 5 minutes, but i get it i really think it should stop