go ahead, ask me stuff uwuwu


27.03.2019 23:28
LinkFav marvel or DC character?

27.03.2019 23:29
idk because like, i don't keep up with that type of stuff

27.03.2019 23:30
LinkOh Its fine ^^
Who's your fav user?

27.03.2019 23:34
i have too many but i can list some for you;
JustAnotherFujoshi, Minterou, KitCatUwU, XxMangledxX, you, and manyyy more.

27.03.2019 23:40

28.03.2019 01:02

(Sorry for so many questions. I always ask everyone this uwu)
How would you rate my "art"?
Do you have a FA crush or with anybody on FA?
What inspired you to start FA?
Who is your least favourite animator, and your favourite?
Who is your favourite youtuber? (If you have one.)
What makes you happy?
What's you favourite OC you've made?
Who inspires you the most?
Do you have siblings?
What phobias do you have?

it's okay. uvu
1. hm, 8/10 very cute style, but there's room for improvement~
2. oh god, yess
3. well, i just searched up 'drawing websites' and boom, the rest is history
4. i have too many favorites, but i'm not sure about my least favorite
5. don't have one currently, but i useD to adore iHasCupquake- i don't watch her anymore tho
6. hm, i thought about this for a while- but tbh, i'm not exactly sure.
7.ack, i guess Leo
8. yes, actually, i have 7- yikess
9. Claustrophobia, Monophobia, and kinda arachnophobia
these are just some of them, but ya.

I'm Claustrophobic, but only around people.
Shove me in a box only able to fit me and my phone and I'll be fine.
omg you have many sibling
I can understand the rating uwu Many people like to see line art because it looks organized and classic, but I'm just not good with that. And lots of improvement needs to be done tbh
Thanks for answering questions that won't benefit either of us except becoming closer friends. uwu

oof, same but if you put me in a small box,, i'd try to break out and probably would have a mental breakdown.
and yes, i do have a lot of siblings. do you have siblings? owo
i really like your art ^^ but yes, there is room for improvement, i need to improve a lot too. i haven't improved in foreverr
uwuwu you're welcome, and i'm glad i answered the,