- create flipbook animations online!
y'know, just opinions.
12.10.2018 21:06
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So, first imma talk a bit on celebrities. The way society treats celebrities as more important is pretty ****ed to me. I don't think we should act like anything they do is any more important than anyone else. Directly parallel to that, there are these weird standards for celebrities, that they can't do certain things because they're in the spotlight. they shouldn't be held to standards any different from anyone else. Let Louis and Zayn from One Direction smoke some pot, they aren't different to anyone else their age. Then there's this thing caused by the image of celebrities as better and "untouchable" that makes people think that it's okay to lust after them, for grown adults to look at them like stereotypical teen girls. That it's okay for magazines to talk about how big her tits are, or his junk. This is all ****ed up to the nth degree.
12.10.2018 21:10
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Now 8imagine all that, but times ten That's idol culture. Japanese and Korean pop groups are made to sign contracts that say they aren't allowed 6to have sex, be seen with any romantic partners, drink, be seen as in any way "impure" or they will be fired. And the fands see this and don't seem to give a shit? "oh he's so hot, she's such a nice girl" THEY ARE LEGALLY BOUND TO ACT LIKE THAT. They have to keep fit or they will lose their job and be hated by their country at large. Idol culture is ****ed to such a degree in Japan that they gossip about and hate idols who break the idea of their purity. Anyone who knowingly supports this at least has a massive level of cognitive dissonance.
12.10.2018 21:15
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This isn't even the worst of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URZ1-Pmi9JY If you need to listen to shitty, commercialised, manufactured content, American pop is right there, with a much less ****ed system behind it.
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