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my imagenary friend
14.03.2019 06:57
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I wrote a story for this
14.03.2019 07:05
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this cold room cold white and colorful room its my room my home my own but somethings missing days pass yet I still haven't found out as I wake from my sleep in the corner of the room I see something or someone and smile for I have not seen anyone in years so when I try to grab it it disappears with no trace then I find out whats wrong with this room this cold room this white and colorful room its lonesome a few days later the mysterious shadow returns yet it doesent move or disappear it stares it stares with its beautiful white eyes and gives the feeling hes looking into me it leans down and I put my hand out it puts its head in my hand closes its eyes and disappears with no trace I smile knowing I have a friend my real friend my shadow friend now he comes everyday to have tea partys with me but today someone else came he diddint seem happy or like he wanted to be my friend so he looked at me and grabed something from his pocket and then puts it in me but the shadow
14.03.2019 07:11
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comes out from the white and colorful walls and jumps onto him and yet I have never seen so much red in my life the red went all over the walls and I diddint know what was happening so I stared blindly at my friend it looked like it had spilt paint all over itself I laughed and it stared blindly at me and for the first time it smiled so he grabbed the man and went back though the walls the door was open I looked out and heard things that sounded like crying or talking as I wandered though the halls I looked though the doors and there were children tons of them all crying and talking so I opened one of the doors and a girl lookedwas
14.03.2019 07:11
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14.03.2019 07:21
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a girl was sitting in the corner of the room crying and saying free me from this place I don't belong here I belong with my mommy and daddy please free me I go and put my hand on her shoulder and say its okay she looks at me and says who are you please don't be one of them I say them what them? she hugs me tightly and I am confused for I have never had a hug she says the men in the white suits the only person here I can trust is the wolf in the walls wolf in the walls I say yes the protector of children I say but that's my shadow friend she says I see hes a friend to us all down here I hear the children in the other rooms laughing right now hes our only joy foot steps creak in the hall she says HURRY SHUT THE DOOR I close it quietly not to disturb the men we put our heads by the door and hear screaming down the hall she says they have taken a nether one I say what does that mean it means they are testing them killing them I hear that when they test them they turn into monsters I say whats a monster her its a
14.03.2019 07:30
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creature of the dark a misunderstood being like the wolf in the walls she asks whats your name? me oh I don't know her well my real name is rose but the men call me subject 108 lets come up with a nickname for you me whats a nickname *rose*its a fake name for when your trying to get away from cops or just something the other kids call you me OHHHHHHHHHHH okay what do you think *rose*hmm you wear a red hood so red? me I like it more foot steps down the hall *rose*we should get the **** out of here before they turn us into monsters too and when we get home my mommy and daddy can adopt you so you can be my sister ive always wanted a sister me that sounds wonderful the door knob twists *rose* oh no one of the men come in and see me and get angry and try to shoot me I scream but rose crys in the corner I get shot in the arm but it was not fatal the red flows down my arm and the shadow comes though the walls and does what he did last time and tore the mans head off me and rose run out of the room and run and try
14.03.2019 07:41
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not to get tired he run past pipes past doors and the only things we hear and steam and crying the shadow runs after us and kills all the men that try to harm us yet they still chase us and don't get tired we find a closet and hide in it knowing we would be safe there but something was already there a black cat hiding in the corner covered in wounds and scratches me oh no *rose*a black cat? here why? I pick her up and shes hardly breathing I hold her in my arms giving her the food I store in my hood she eats it and sleeps in my hood we leave the closet when we know its safe and run for the next stop the cat covers up in my hair and I can feel her fear she does look surprisingly like the shadow in the walls we find somewhere safe and I feed her roses stoumach growls so I share with her and she hugs me *rose*I missed having somebody with me *me*ive never had somebody we leave and walk though the halls its like a maze *rose*I cant wait to be home we walk more and more till we find a exit we diddint exspect it
14.03.2019 07:46
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to be that easy but it was but something feels off like your trapped even though your almost free you feel a hand on your shoulder then you are pulled into the dark you pass out hours pass when you wake you are somewhere new and different nooses hanging from the roof heads on the floor and a gaint throne at the end of the room but your vision is still weak so you can see what it sitting there bricks float around the room and everything is black your vision clears and you see rose laying be side
14.03.2019 07:47
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you so you look up and see the one sitting on the throne is CONTINUES IN NEXT CHAPTER >:)))))))))
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