Let Me Type! :D


21.01.2020 00:38
LinkFile by BllueStarLeCat

21.01.2020 00:40
Linkyep I forgot!

I am so incredibly lucky to have all of you following me! Even if I am not at 100 yet- 96 is still spectacular! I really can't express how thankful I am! If there is anything that I could do, I will do it (Like a base, background, a certain drawing, etc!) So thank you, to SchoelaceAnimation, Twinkiebaby, pizzapieree-2, JustAMuffinNerd, qwertykeyboard, random-furry-weeb, Scirlatte, Squiggles, Glitchfoxchan, Floofery, Cutie-Arty, ILoveFoodLol456, 101Entity101, uwuheehee12, TheAnimatingAlien, pizzapieree, 23Scourge, ieatair, OpalBurrSir, AlessandraWOLFDOG, AmazingBee, LunaMoonshine, goldenaura, emmabemma, -Nightshade-, BLUBERRYSANS2, dabimyboi, Floofs---, LucyLovesSquids, ThePaperBagPrince, letsdrawstuff, Pro1052, cherries, anini48, FurryGoreLover, NewbieDrawer, Cheese17, bugsbunny123, Pixypickle, We-are-the-peoples, SamanthaVera, Miathecat2, FrostedKit, -Heather111-, Flamingo-fanclub, Feluckio, Ice-Wolf, AkaNatsuki, Luna-Mations, shooting-stars, JefferyIsAGoodDog, -pokeh-, Owoplaytime, Colorzzz, ArtsyMe and-

special thanks to, Funneh,Bluestopsign, Jilly06, KateTheCatLuvsArt, letsdraw, -sunflowerOwO-, XxshachiixX, rayvin184, rangerv, Warriorcat573, -Russia-, hamsterlove, 13TotallyNotAndy, IceDragon, -Germany-CH, Jade-Da-Pun-Master, Winter8899, -Mandarine-, Kittenlover18, VoidAnimationz, I-AM-A-KANGAROO, SoccerPanda2647 for being my first 21 followers!!