13 moment!!!!

da fanart for unicorn3040

Kingdoms of the World


only a little bit crazy

Mona Loop

valentine's cat
boy do i have a story to tell


05.10.2018 22:03
Linklemme type

05.10.2018 22:05
Linkalrighty, so as soon as i get home my mom's like "get your hikin boots on we're goin up the old railroad to look for stuff' and i'm like "aight" so i get my shit together and me, my mom, and my lil sis walk up an old trail near the house that was once an old railroad

05.10.2018 22:08
Linkwe walk up there, all is good, unntil my mom spots what she thinks is antique window on the side of the so she says "ey ren, run around and climb up the hill and walk over and grab that" so i do so, keep in mind half the damn hill fell in a few years ago, so i'm up on the side of the hill with a precarious 20-30 foot drop to my left

05.10.2018 22:09
Linki ended up almost dying like 4-5 times, when i make it up to the 'window' its a ****in moss covered old ass useless carseat, so i'm ****in pissed because i almost fell trying to knock it out of place to get it to fall

05.10.2018 22:11
Linki walk back and i end up slipping, i end up having to do a 20ft controlled descent as i fall to not ****in die, i got all scraped up and shit and all muddy, now i'm sitting at home, banged up, after a cold shower because my parents used up all the ****in hot water

05.10.2018 22:12
Linki also had to carry a 17 lb rock home too.

05.10.2018 22:12
Linki'm done now

05.10.2018 22:36
LinkO o f

05.10.2018 22:36
LinkWelp, hope ya feel butter ;3