27.10.2018 23:13
LinkBoi if you dont shut yo Islam keep calm yo mom atomic bomb weed bong cheech and Chong Hong Kong magnum dong lil schlong red thong lifelong Neil Armstrong county song you ain't strong no skin tone google chrome chicken bone no home disowned flip phone ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome full blown monotone student loan Indiana Jones overgrown flinstone x and y hormone friend zone Sylvester Stallone autozone wait I'm not done you honeybun bank run skeleton you weigh a ton grandson undone handgun stepson for I pop a cap in yo mini Van Afghan grandstand caveman black man Ku Klux Klan cyan floor plan Canadian Raisin Bran sedan Yucatån fingerprint scan turkemenistan ass tf up
27.10.2018 23:13
LinkMartin you’re back???
27.10.2018 23:17
27.10.2018 23:38
Linkomg so funny ahahaha
**** off, martin
28.10.2018 01:57
LinkI gotta be honest, babies really be sayin goo goo ga ga
30.10.2018 23:29
LinkHe’s hacked.
If you see a post, and it has someone's name on it, and it's not your name, don't click on it or comment on it.
especially if it has no comments, and the title is "when you get here", as that CLEARLY means that the person who posted it wants to speak to tjhe person somewhat privately, and they are using the comments as a sign that the person is there.
I mean, this is simple shit, how do you morons not get this.
I know you don't mean anything by it, but it pisses me off so much that I can never have ONE ****ING POST without some dumbshit commentoing where they aren't wanted.
****ing christ I genuinely hate you people so much..
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