Give me a colour
10.07.2019 22:00
LinkBy the power of Sheldon from big bang theory you have now been done didly gayed.
10.07.2019 22:01
LinkWell, diddly darn it. Lol
White is the colour of porcelain.. The feel of a cold shock wave of sadness, but the pain I also feel when I long for the touch of another, a disease that spreads, almost too pure and soft, to silky and sweet, as lambs milk, yet hard and painful, easily iritable, and always ready to kill, it is the purest of all colours, yet the most voilent and taunting with its perfectionism..
Your actions are always unintentional and sometimes you lie to others to make you feel better. Sometimes you mistake someone else as yourself, and feel the pain that comes with them.. You are scarred and hurt, your wounds will mend with time, but your warrior heart will always be as pure as the crystal clear water your too privelaged to drink..
You're organized but afraid, nobody, not even yourself knows what of. The orb that surrounds you blocks off negative energy, but the positive steers away from you. Your aura is fierce and demanding, though the way you show it, doesnt always seem too accurate. You lie to yourself, and try to pin yourself down, as a problematic person, but you try your hardest and nobody gets you.. I get that.. Damn dude..
Youre energetic, but often get tired but keep going just for the people you enjoy being around. you try your best to please, wishing, one day, you wont have to please anyone. You dont have to try too hard for your friends, but there are dangers that lurk within them, and you see that. Find your strength, and follow Sire Shakespeare... "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
Youre often labeled as dull and dreary, but the ones that reel closer to you, find your persona, strong and creative, fun but tempting. You have a fierce way of fighting for the ones you cherish. The way you view yourself isnt always the way you present yourself, leading others to blind passion, though, you want them to see the true side of yourself.
Youre very airy and loose with your friends, though you hide your true feelings from the people that respect you the most, You fall for the people that wish the worst for you, and are too blind to see those that love you for who you are, and aspire to become. The pain you hide, is not often seen through here, but it is always recognized by the ones that treasure you the most.
Youre an overzealous kind of person, but have strong personality that protect your soul from being devoured by fear. You strain to hurt yourself, as youre constantly being beaten up for the things you cant control, you have powerful words, but wont find it until later in life. your creativity isnt your best quality, spend your days inspiring others, rather than uninspiring yourself over the things youn"couldve" and "Shouldve" done.
Your style is unique and justified, you have a personality of a hard block of ice, melting in the burning flames of hell, you are fierce, fiesty, and have much to live for. Your power rules above others, though the rich power you own can sometimes overthrow your character, but sooner or later, youll find a way to regain yourself.