If i'm that bad
26.05.2019 10:39
Linki care
26.05.2019 11:10
Linkme too!
If the comment was irrelevant they could delete it. It's their comments section. Why do you care?
Fir example if somebody left a cookie on a counter and, you didn't know why it was there wouldn't you eat it? Nobody will die if the cookie was gone, they could get another one.
Then the next day a sibling get's pissed of at you for eating their cookie. They left it there and nobody was home so why are they pissed?
It's kin of like this situation the comment is the cookie that got deleted/eaten. Nobody using the comment and there is no use for it. Nobody has commented under it and the comment is irrelevant. It doesn't even makes sense.
So what's the big deal about deleting it. You can always rewrite it but they don't want it here so who cares. Write it somewhere else.
Problem Solved.
By the way...
If the comment was written in his comments section without a specific name in it then it's most likely written to that person.
If the person doesn't get the comment or the comment is irrelevant to them. Then they can delete it..No big deal. respect their wishes to not have the comment there. Boom! Easy!
It's just a freaking dumb comment. What the bloody Hell is the purpose of all this arguing.
You think he can magically bring the comment back?!?!
It's done. It's done. They told you why they deleted it, what now?
Ok I would usually support you in a situation, but all this over a deleted comment I think is unnecessary. It’s just a deleted comment. Drama isn’t needed.
Kidanimator has the freedom to delete comments on her anims that she doesn’t feel are necessary. Nothing to get worked up about.