

Look, Fireflies!

the great dragon

Father-Son Kamehameha

Fanart thing for Devinception

Blue City
@cuteticklefartz @AK @IAAB @NE


29.01.2019 18:02
LinkThe way I see it, there are two things that piss me off about the stuff surrounding cuteticklefartz.
The first being the fact that Angrykid and IAAB and the rest are essentially bullying this kid. Ironically telling them that their art is good to make fun. You can pretend that's not what's happening, but we all know it clearly is. "Collabing" with them to get them to draw more art so you can laugh. That's pretty ****ed up.
Then there's the fact that all of Cuteticklefartz's art is sexual content of people, many of whom have not consented to this. IDK if I have to say this, but drawing someone in an overtly sexual way, without asking if it's cool, is really messed up. You have no idea what that person thinks of the stuff you're drawing. ****, maybe they have a bad experience with it. Or they just feel uncomfortable. Doesn't matter, the fact that it is possible is why you ASK FIRST, IDIOT.
The fact that nobody sees how gross this whole thing is just really shows how dumb and immature all of you truly a

29.01.2019 18:03

i personally havent seen cutetiklefartz's content but from what your saying everyone involved seems to be in the wrong rn

I have to agree that making fun of them isn’t cool, it’s essentially low class bullying them. You have valid points and I do agree that it’s ****ed up.

we actually really like her art
we enjoy her and we don't laugh at her, we laugh with her.
we encourage her to keep drawing because she is a great person
we're not making fun, we are having fun with her, we love her content and its really nice to have her here,
maybe look at the other half of the perspective, from our point and her point, not just yours

dude what do u mean bullying the kid?
we all like her art, she's actually a really nice person to talk to
when she draws us she always ask. I also don't know what u mean by "collabing" we've never once collabed and we never stated we wanted to "collab" so I don't know where u pulled that one from.
"really shows how dumb and immature all of you truly are" dude where on a drawing website, nobody takes nothing serious, if we wanna joke around let us joke around we ain't harming no one, we ain't offending no one it's just us. she's actually a really cool person to talk to and I know she means no harm.

bro if someone asks to draw me why would I say no? they just wanna draw me that goes for anyone
and im not talking about the candyxd thing, im talking about what u said about me Ryan and my dudes. I saw my name and I wanted to give my pov. as for the candyxd thing I honestly don't know, like I know she's just joking around and there isn't really no one who's been drawn complaining. but I do see and respect ur point
also I don't see anything I've said that you've haven't said, if I did then would u Kindly point that out for me

I thought you guys were letting her draw you tou laugh at her. if that's wrong, sorry about that.
I'm talking about the times that she's drawn people without asking. I'm not saying she doesn't ever ask, or doesn't ask you guys. For example, I'm pretty sure she didn't ask RP to draw her with huge feet. And she def didn't ask candyxd, who she has apparently been insulting and bullying.

I can deny that because its not all the truth. heres what I can say tho
im getting my feet licked..for the most part I find that pretty funny, but we also like her art and her personality, hints why when she aks us we let her go right ahead lol. were laughing with her not at her.
secondly like I said Pablo im not all to sure about this situation with candyxd, if she is "bullying" like u say she is then yes that is wrong, friend or not bullying isn't cool. but as for the rp thing, I can see it both ways ur 's and my pop, one hand she should've asked permission and on the other hand its like eh it's just a drawing and she's not insulting anyone. again I do respect ur's and beck-o's opinions