So heh uh-


19.08.2019 11:57

So, i had the same dream I had a year ago but today. Let’s talk about it

The dream~
The dream itself, was bizarre. The dream started out as me going to a school, and these 3 new kids were there.But, that part isn’t important. When i walked out of the school in this courtyard kind of area. There was this one kid, he was the only one in the courtyard, mind you.
No one else in the school could see me, but he looked straight at me and followed me, turning his head to look at me.
Then it was like a cutscene, i was in this car with this random guy and we drove into this lady’s yard, she jumped on the car and the guy that was driving was like “woo!! Isn't this fun?!” and he let go of the wheel so we were driving up these stairs in her yard and right before we could fully go off the stairs and crash into whatever was in front of us, I said “STOP! I know this, I know this is a dream!” and everything went white except for the car I was in, it made a beeping sound like the car door was open.
---But, i woke up---

So I looked up what it means and the website said the following;
“ Many people have the same or a similar dream many times, over either a short period of time or their lifetime. Recurring dreams usually mean there is something in your life you've not acknowledged that is causing stress of some sort. The dream repeats because you have not corrected the problem. “