

02.02.2019 16:39
Linkwhy aren't i getting better?
i have a therapist. someone to actually vent to who can help me. i've been in more social situations, i've been out more, i've been playing my childhood game, and nothing bad has happened. so why are things getting worse? why do my depression spikes hit harder and more frequently now? why do i always feel like something bad is going to happen?
...and why do i like being like this?

Although I don't know much on the matter I'm pretty sure it'll take time. Also for the "and why do i like being like this?" thing I don't want to come off as an "omG rel8!!1 xDD" but I've felt the same way basically every time I feel bad, so maybe that's not as unusual or bad as you think??
I don't know.

I wish I could give you advice, but that's just not my life. Saying I relate would be lying.
I'm very glad to hear you have a therapist, and are getting help. <3 You have no idea how relieving it is. I'm glad to hear you've been getting out more and stuff. I have no idea why you feel worse though, and wish I could help. As for liking it, I have no idea. But I'm praying things work out for you, and you are happier. <3