Challenge time!!!
24.10.2019 03:46
LinkGet a random number generator ready ( 1 through 25 ) and use these lists to get two animals and one trait! Comment below what you get and create a brand new animal!
-NO SKIPPING! What you get is what you get! This is supposed to challenge you!
- Try not to just… put owl wings on a wolf and call it good try to be SUPER DUPER creative!!! :D
- If you get two birds, or maybe a wolf and a jackal you can get a third animal to help balance it out!
- Have fun!! I can’t wait to see what ya’ll come up with!
24.10.2019 03:46
1: Canary 2: Cockatiel 3: Parrot 4: Bald eagle 5: Snowy owl 6: Great horned owl 7: Mynah bird
8: Racoon 9: Waterbuck 10: Lion 11: Cheetah 12: Ram 13: Jackal 14: Jerboa 15: Fox 16: Wolf 17: Bull 18: Bear 19: Sheep 20: Mule 21: Skunk 22: lynx 23: Rabbit 24: Mouse 25: Antelope
1: Albino 2: Dragonish 3: Aquatic 4: Plants 5: Digital/ robot 6: Gems 7: Eyes 8: Feathered
9: Pet 10: God/Goddess 11: Evil 12: Glow 13: Large teeth 14: Clothes 15: Cold 16: Red 17:Stars/ planets 18: Fog/ smoke 19: Rings 20: Earthy tones 22: Scary / evil 23: Black and white 24: Human(oid) 25: Death/ zombie
24.10.2019 04:42
LinkTrait #21: Ghost
Comment removed
Might do this later
I have a lot to do.
I've got to finish my map part, finish a wip and draw fanart for studio12