"fuck off bisexuals"
26.02.2018 14:46
26.02.2018 14:47
Link@SenseiB You're correct. Kylooo's just being dramatic. Ignore him/her.
26.02.2018 15:04
Linkget the hell off my profile @CryBaby666666. i am getting sick of your bullshit and you putting idiotic commentary on my profile..
26.02.2018 15:10
LinkHey, you don't talk to her like that! Maybe if you were to stop looking for attention and screaming "woe is me" then she wouldn't comment anything at all! You brought this upon yourself, don't take it out on someone who disagrees with you! AND if you can't stand hate, then you don't deserve to be on any website at all! It follows you everywhere, and if you can't take it then sign out of Flipanim. Also, she's actually been being pretty reasonable about this, not idiotic! She has simply been telling you to stop in a rather polite way compared to others and how you respond and she has been telling people not to listen due to some poor souls not realizing you are lying and wanting attention! If you can't stand one of my friends you certainly won't be able to stand both me and them because I'm not going to let her put up with this alone and you won't hear the end of me until all of this nonsense is over!
26.02.2018 16:53
26.02.2018 16:54
Linkyeah but srsly, STOP IT!
Who said this to you? Can you give us any proof? Also if you are saying this to bi's then I'm going to kill you. I'm not bisexual but i stand by all lgbtq's!
no i didn't say you guys said this. my best friend said this to me when i told her and now she just makes me feel like a ghost.. i feel so invisible ..
We, don't give a care about your gender, race, age, none of those. We care for you because you are a very talented individual who strives to bring entertainment to people and who's devoted to doing what what he wants to do and because you are a very pure and sweet person that we all know and love. We don't want you to suffer anymore, so please, don't do this anymore.
omg... is it me or kylooo is just looking for attention
stop making drama.. I swear I hope flipanim ban you and learn your lesson