- create flipbook animations online!
03.12.2019 19:03
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I was watching the animatronics at a place called Fredbears family Diner eagerly when my mom called saying time to go. I didn’t want to go, I really didn’t. This was my favorite place in the whole world to get away from everyone. Just watching Fredbear and his partner Spring Bonnie on stage was a great way just to let go of all the troubles back home. "Come on Jessica," Mom said calling from the front door, "We have to go. Dinners is on the stove and I don’t want it to burn!" "One sec Mom," I called back. I said goodbye to Fredbear and Spring Bonnie and ran over to Mom. We walked out the door to the car, the sunshine really beating down. I guessed it was ninety degrees by how it felt. When we got to the car I was a little reluctant to get in. I knew the seats would be burning hot and sticky with all this hot weather. I really can't wait for winter because you get to play in the snow and you don’t have to deal with all this hot weather. When I got in the car my Mom pulled something out of
03.12.2019 19:04
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"Here," my Mom said handing me a small Fredbear plush, "A nice man won it and said to give it to you when we leave."  I took the plush and looked at it.  I didn’t know what to say.  The man must have seen me sitting in my seat at Fredbears and realized how much I loved the place.  "I don’t know what to say," I said holding the plush in my hands, "I really don’t."  I looked up to see my mom smiling from ear to ear.  I smiled back.  It was quiet for a while when I said, "I thought you had dinner on the stove and you didn’t want it to burn."  "Oh shoot. That’s right," she said sounding lost in thought, "I totally forgot.  Thanks for reminding me."  We took a shortcut home so dinner wouldn’t burn.  Luckily, it didn’t burn because we were having my favorite food, Spaghetti.  When we got home, Mom rushed out of the car, into the house, slamming the door behind her, like usual.  I stayed in the car a little while longer admiring the small yellow plush when my mom called me from the house.
03.12.2019 19:05
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I quickly got out of the car and ran into the house.  When I got in the house I went straight for my room.  I opened the door to a room with yellow walls filled with posters of the old Fredbears location.  My dad used to work there, but when he heard it was closing, he asked his manager if he could take all the posters with him.  At first the manager said no, but when my dad told him how much I love Fredbears, he changed his mind.  The manager even let him take home one of the tables and a Fredbear suit head I have sitting on my dresser.  I ran straight to my bed and sat down scattering all the yellow bunny and bear plushes everywhere.  I couldn’t stop thinking of the first day I went to Fredbears.  I was so terrified of the animatronics that I was begging my parents to take me home.  After a while I got used to the place and I didn’t want to go home.  Suddenly a scream from the kitchen interrupted my thoughts and memories.  "A MOUSE, A MOUSE," Mom screamed, "GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT!"
03.12.2019 19:05
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I ran down stairs and grabbed the plastic mouse from the kitchen floor.  "Jessica," Mom said, "Can you please stop with that prank.  Sooner or later there will be a real mouse in here and we will do nothing about it."  "I'm sorry Mom," I said cracking up, "I'll stop.  When's dinner ready?"  "In a few minutes," Mom said, "Will you get the plates and set the table please?  Only get two out right now.  Your dad said he is going to be late."  "Why does he have to work late," I asked, "Fredbears closes at six o' clock."  "I know sweetheart," she said, "Something happened at Fredbears and he won't tell me."  For a  moment I was horror stuck.  I really wanted to know what happened.  But my Mom didn’t know what happened so I didn’t dare bug here about it.  I ate dinner quietly that night.  Normally I was talkative but I didn’t want to speak.  If Fredbear and Spring Bonnie where going to be taken down and Fredbears had to be closed again, I would be heartbroken.
03.12.2019 19:08
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Moms phone started ringing, interrupting my thoughts once more.  "I will be right back," Mom said.  She went up the stairs and I heard a door close.  "I hope Dad is ok," I thought, "What happened that my dad had to stay longer.  What if he is hurt.  What if…."  My mind was racing with thoughts that scared me.  I ran up to my room, leaving an unfinished plate of spaghetti behind on the checkered table.  I slammed the door behind me and flopped down on my bed sending plushes flying.  I grabbed the newest Fredbear plush a squeezed it.  "What happened Fredbear," I asked the plush, "tell me what happened. I WANT TO KNOW!"  My mom ran in looking scared, "Get in the car we need to meet your dad at Fredbears!"  I quickly got up picked up all my plushes and ran downstairs with the Fredbear and a Spring Bonnie plush in hand.  I got in the car buckled myself in, my mom pulled out of the drive way really fast, and sped down the deathly quiet street. 
03.12.2019 19:09
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When we were about a block away from Fredbears, we saw red and blue glowing against the surrounding buildings and trees.  What had happened that there needs to be ambulances and police cars?  We got to Fredbears only to see cation tape all around it.  We ran to the tape but the police stopped us.  "Ma' am, we need you and your daughter to stay back," they said.  "My husband works there," Mom shouted, "Please.  You got let us in."  "Ok, " they said, "We will let you in."  "Thank you so much sir," Mom said.  We raced under the tape into the building.  I found my dad sitting at the edge of the stage with only Fredbear standing there.  "Dad," I asked, "Where's Spring Bonnie?"  "We found him in the Parts and Service room stained with blood, " Dad said.  "WHAT," I yelled.  I ran to the Parts and Service room and found Spring Bonnie sitting on the floor like Dad said, stained with blood. 
03.12.2019 19:09
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"No," I said, "No.  No.  NO!  IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!"  I ran out of the room towards my dad.  "Will they have to close Fredbears again," I asked.  "I don’t know Jessica," Dad said, "I think Fredbear and Spring Bonnie are done for."  WHAT," I screamed, "WHAT! NO THEY CAN'T BE!  I WONT ALLOW IT!  "Honey, It's not my choice," Dad said, "You'll have to convince the manager not to close Fredbears."  I walked right back into the Parts and Service room and sat down.  "I'M NOT MOVING," I yelled.  "I will go talk to her," Mom said.  I put the Spring Bonnie plush I had in my hands next to Spring Bonnie.  I stood up looking around the room.  "Jessica," Mom said from the doorway.  "I'm not going to move," I said again.  "I know it's hard for you, but," Mom said.
03.12.2019 19:11
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"But what," I answered, "What?"  "Like your dad said, they might have to close this place," Mom said.  Right as she said that I noticed four brown boxes in the back of the room.  I went over there and looked inside.  The first box was labeled "Freddy Fazbear", the second one was labeled "Bonnie", the third box was "Chica",  and the fourth was "Foxy".  I looked to the right of the boxes, and there was a sign that read, "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza".  "Hey Mom," I said, "Come and look at this."  "I looks like they're going to replace Fredbear and Spring Bonnie," Mom said, "And take down the sign out front."  "Let's go home," I said.  "What about your Spring Bonnie plush," Mom asked.  "Just leave it there," I said.  I walked out of the Parts and Service room and walked up to the stage.  "Here you go Fredbear," I said putting the little plush version of him on the stage, "It's for you."  I walked out of Fredbears and straight to the car.
03.12.2019 19:12
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I got in, opened the sun roof even though it was night, laid down across the back seat, and looked up.  This all  now seemed to be a blur of colors.  When your happy and then drama happens it seems like you forget everything that previously happened that day.  I heard Mom and Dad walking to the car.  When they opened the door I didn't sit up I just laid there.  We drove back home.  When we got home I ran straight to my room.  I started tearing down all the posters I was given and throwing them in the trash.  At that moment Mom walked in my room.  "Hey hey hey," she said, "What are you doing with your posters?"  "Throwing them away," I responded.  "Well I was wondering if you want any ice cream," she said.  "After what just happened," I yelled.  "Well,"  she said, "At least they're not tearing down the building."
03.12.2019 19:14
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"Well, all I know for certain is that they are going to scrap Fredbear and Spring Bonnie," I said.  "But look at the bright side Jessica," Mom said, "You still get to enjoy the four others that they will build and put up."  "But they are replacement animatronics for Fredbears, soon to be Freddy Fazbear's pizza," I protested.  "I know it won't be the same for you but after what happened they shouldn't put them back up," she said back.  I flopped down on my bed and said nothing.  "Well let me know if you want ice cream," Mom said leaving the room.  I stared at one poster that had been my favorite one for years.  The one that said "Come play and have a great day".  I got the poster from the old Fredbears location for my thirteenth birthday when I went to the new Fredbears location.  A guy that my dad worked with for years gave it to me right after he scared the heck out of me when he was wearing the Spring Bonnie spring lock suit.  I would not stop laughing after he scared me.  It was the best birthda
03.12.2019 19:15
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Dad came into my room interrupting my thoughts again.  "I just got some news from the manager and he said that Fredbear was showing some signs of malfunctioning today," Dad said, "I think that was a sign of retirement for him and Spring Bonnie."  "But," I stuttered, "but, but!  They can't go!  They've been up for years!"  "I know sweet heart,"  he said, "but everything breaks down or dies eventually.  Well, like your mom said, let me know if you want to come down and have some ice cream."  Dad left and closed the door behind him.  Right as I heard the door close I was lost in thought again.
03.12.2019 19:18
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I looked at the newspaper and it said, "Fazbears Fright, Now open".  I looked at the picture and the animatronic on the front had the shape and form of Spring Bonne.  I still remember fifteen years ago when Fredbears Family Diner closed due to malfunctions.  I still live with my mom after my dad passed in a car crash.  The guy who caused the crash was some guy who didn't pay attention and caused the four car crash.  It's been a tough time for Mom knowing that if I move out she will be lonely.  I may be twenty eight years old but my mom begged me to stay with her.  I still have all the items from the old Fredbears Family Diner and I had been to the Freddy Fazbears Pizza once, but it wasn't the same as Fredbears.  It was the same building, but decorations were different and the place had a major makeover and the only food the serve is pizza.  Who only wants to eat pizza all the time.
03.12.2019 19:25
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I brought my thoughts back to the Fazbears Fright article.  I read more and it said, "Nightguard needed.  Payment: $120."  Who needs a nightguard at a horror attraction.  Oh well, at least they pay you.  I called the number on the article and waited.  I waited and waited and finally someone picked up.  "Hello," they said, "How may I help you?"  "Hi," I replied, "Is the spot for the nightguard at Fazbears Fright open?"  "Yes it is," the person said, "It's a five night job and you are the first person to call in days.  Nobody is seeming to want this job."  "Strange," I said, "So if the job isn't taken yet, do I get the job?"  "Yes you do," they replied.  "Sweet," I said, "When do I start?"  "You start tomorrow exactly at twelve midnight," they said.  "Okay," I replied sounding surprised on how late I started, "Thanks."  I put my phone down and stared at my mom.  "Isn't that a little late," she asked.
03.12.2019 19:25
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"Well I am in desperate need of a job so it works," I replied, "And I also get payed $120 each night and they said it's a five night job. "Well," she said, "You could always work at Freddy Fazbears and earn the money there." "Making pizza," I questioned, "No way." "OK," she said, "Just a thought." I woke up with the sun flowing like a river through the room. The walls seemed to be glowing brighter than the sun. I remembered I started working at Fazbear's Fright at twelve midnight tonight. I decided to lay in bed longer to get more sleep for tonight, but sleep would not come. I got up and went down stairs to the living room and turned on the TV. I scrolled through the channels like they were an endless chain. I couldn't find anything good so I turned it off and went to the kitchen. I could tell Mom was up making breakfast because the smell of eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns wafted through the cheery house. "Mmm, it smells good in here," I said.
03.12.2019 19:26
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"Breakfast will be done in a minute," Mom said.  "I can't wait to eat," I said.  Mom pulled a piece of bacon off a plate and started crunching it loudly.  "Oh come on Mom," I laughed, "Don't tease me!"  "Why don't you go set the table," she said.  "On it," I replied.  Breakfast was so delicious that morning.  "I CALL THE LEFT OVERS FOR LUNCH," I yelled.  "Oh you beat me that time," Mom laughed.  I helped wash dishes that morning and when I finished putting them away I noticed something on the floor.  "Hey Mom," I said, "What's this?"  "It looks like a mouse," she replied, "Do NOT touch it, Jessica."  I bent down and picked it up.  "PUT IT DOWN," Mom yelled.  "It's fake Mom," I giggled.  "Stop with that prank," she replied.  "That's where it's been all these years," I said, "Down here in the most obvious spot."  I took it back upstairs to my room and set it down on my dresser.  I went to sit down on my bed when something shiny outside caught my eye. 
03.12.2019 19:27
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I opened my window only to be blinded by my car sitting in the driveway.  I squinted to see what it was and laying in the street was a big metal object that looked like the back of a sign.  I went downstairs and opened the front door.  "Jessica," Mom yelled from the kitchen, "where are you going?"  "Outside," I responded.  "Why are you going outside," Mom asked.  "I found something," I said not saying what I had seen.  I walked across the lawn and picked up the object.  I flipped it over and I realized what it was.  It was the sign from Fredbears.  Why would it be sitting out in the street?  I brought it inside and set it down on the table.  "Hey Mom," I yelled, "Come and look at this."  "What is it," she asked.  "It looks like the sign from Fredbears," I responded.  "Why would that be laying in front of our house," Mom questioned.  "I don't know," I answered.  I brought the sign upstairs and set it next to the railing.
03.12.2019 19:27
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"Why don't you put that in your room so it isn't in the way of walking," Mom yelled. So I picked up the sign and brought it to my room. I found a place next to my bed to put it. I decided to lay down a get some more sleep for tonight. I was rushing out of the house to get to my car and get to work. I forgot I started at twelve midnight. I got there ten minutes before I had to start my shift. I walked up to the building and looked at it. It looked so old that I thought it would fall apart any second. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I spun around. "What are you doing here," the person asked. It sounded like the person that had answered the phone when I called the number. "Are you the person that said the nightguard spot was open for this place," I asked shakily. "Yes," they answered, "You must be the lady on the phone asking for the job."
03.12.2019 19:27
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"Yes I am," I answered calming down a bit.  The person took a key out of their pocket and opened the door.  "Once you sit down, pick up the phone and set it down," they said, "Once you set it down, you will get a prerecorded message and it will tell you what to do."  "That sounds simple enough," I said sarcastically.  "And one more thing," they said, "No sarcasm."  That’s great.  I walked in the building and it looked water stained, moldy, old and it smelled terrible.  I understood partly why they called it Fazbears Fright.  The person guided me to the "office" after showing me around the building.  I sat down in the chair and I was surprised that it didn't break.  "Good luck," they said leaving.  Why did they just wish me good luck.  I still couldn't get over how bad it smelled.  Can't they put some air freshener in here.
03.12.2019 19:28
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I picked up the phone and set it down. "Hello , hello," it said, "Hello, hello hello." Oh my gosh how many hellos do they need to say. I listened to the rest of the recording and I was still wondering about it saying cameras. What do I need to do with cameras? I picked up a tablet on the table and clicked cams. It brought me to a screen that had the words cam 1, cam 2, and so on. I clicked one cam and saw an animatronic that looked like it was rotting. It looked like the animatronic on the newspaper. I clicked another cam and it was pointed at a bonnie suit on a pole. I clicked back to the one I clicked before and the animatronic was looking at the cam. I jumped sending the chair to the back wall. Did that thing just move? I swear it moved. I walked to the back wall sat in the chair and rolled it forward. I hit my head on a monitor of some sort. I looked at the screen on the monitor and the was a button that said noise.
03.12.2019 19:28
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I clicked the button and it did a noise like a child laughing. I looked at the cam I was on and the animatronic was gone. I looked up and it was the window staring at me. "OMG," I screamed, "How did you get here already. Please go away." It staid staring at me. "Go away," I yelled. I hesitated for a moment and then looked at the monitor. I clicked the noise button and it started walking away. I relaxed a little bit and looked at the time. IT'S STILL TWELVE?!?! Oh you got to be kidding me. I sat there for a long time waiting for the end but it would never come. I looked at the time and it was three. "Why did I want this job," I asked myself, "Oh yeah, to get money."
03.12.2019 19:30
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I looked at him and then I realized that the suit that I saw in the parts and service room all those years ago at Fredbears was Spring Bonnie. I didn't know what to do so the only thing I did was yell for help when I knew no one was around. "Someone help me," I coughed, "HELP!" I started blacking out the only thing on my mind was him staring at me. "Ha," he said, "Serves you right!" I went blank completely after he dropped me hard on the floor. I woke up to beeping sounds and talking. "Hey it looks like she waking up," exclaimed a familiar voice. I opened my eyes to see nurses and doctors scrambling about in and out of rooms. I looked to my right and saw my mom sitting there looking worried. When she looked up her expression changed to delight. She got up and walked towards me. "Your alive," she exclaimed, "Thank god.
03.12.2019 19:31
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"She might have to stay here a little while longer on account of how her injuries are," said a voice to my left, "Your lucky she is still alive.  The person before her who had that job, well when we got there, it was too late, but I am glad you survived.  That thing they call Springtrap, well, he's dangerous.  Their thinking of closing down Fazbears Fright and no one knows why or how he is moving with a dead corpse inside."  I saw my mom's face twist with discussed when she heard that.  I started laughing only to have my head start pounding.  "Oh careful sweetheart," the nurse said, "Springtrap injured you pretty badly."  The thought and name of Springtrap sent a chill that ran up and down my spine.  I wonder why they didn't take the Fazbears Fright job article off when they knew the first nightguard didn't survive.  I wondered how bad I was injured and what they would do with that rotting, moving monster.
03.12.2019 19:31
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I looked down to my see my left arm all bloody and bruised. When I moved my neck to look to my right, I paused mid-way. My neck shot a painful cramping sensation through my back and up to my head. I laid my head back on my pillow moaning, "How bad did he hurt me?" I stayed in the hospital for a week longer and then it was finally time to leave. I was tired of being in the hospital after people going in and out of my while I was trying to rest. When I got home I headed straight for the couch. I sat down and turned on the TV. I scrolled endlessly through the channels until I got to the news. "Last night at while working at Fazbears Fright," the news reporter said, "Another person was attacked. We don't know if she is dead or alive. Let's just hope she survived that monster." "OF COURSE I SURVIVED IF I’M YELLING AT THE TV," I screamed.
03.12.2019 19:32
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I turned off the TV and went into the kitchen.  "Are you ok," Mom asked.  "Yes," I replied, "I'm fine."  "You should go lay down for a while and rest," Mom said, "You had pretty rough days in the hospital."  I staid were I was not moving a single muscle and acted like I didn't hear Mom.  Mom turned and went into the kitchen.  I wondered what she was doing so I got up reluctantly and walked to the kitchen.  I heard a thud of a chair and ran into the kitchen.  I looked on the floor and saw a chair smashed to splinters.  I looked up wide eyed at my mother.  "Wh..what's go.. going on," I asked.  I saw Moms face looking like she was ok but then a smile spread across her face.  I backed out of the kitchen slowly and bolted to the front door.  I opened the door went outside and slammed it behind me. 
03.12.2019 19:33
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I looked around trying to find a place to hide and remembered after Dad had fixed one of the big boards for the porch, I still managed to get it loose, slip under the porch, and put it back at in the same spot at the same angle.  I ran to the board picked it up, slipped under the porch, and close it behind me.  I heard the front open and someone walk out to the porch.  "Perfect timing," I thought to myself, "Has my mother gone insane or what!"  I backed up quietly to a dark corner under the porch.  I heard the door swing open.  "Jessica," my mom said, "Where are you?"  I pulled out my phone and called 911.  It was ringing for a second and then someone picked up.  "Hello," a lady said, "What's your emergency?"  "Help me," I responded, " I think my mother has gone insane."
03.12.2019 19:34
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"What's your name and location," the lady asked.  I said my name and location and the lady said,  "Ok we are on our way."  The lady hung up and I sat in my spot wondering how loud I had been.  I heard sirens in the distance and was glad they came fast.  I heard my mother walking down the steps toward the noise.  I heard cars pull up and mother say "Let go.  Let go of me!"  I pushed open the porch board and crawled out.  My mom turned to look at me.  She had an insane look on her face.  "I am glad I didn't lose you," she said, "But if I did I would have been more insane before."  I could tell she was insane by the look in her eyes and the smile on her face.  "Are you insane," I asked her.  "Why would ask that," Mom laughed.  "You are insane," I mumbled.  "What was that," she asked.  "YOU ARE INSANE AREN'T YOU," I yelled.  "Why would think that," she smiled.
03.12.2019 19:35
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"I can by the way you smashed the chair on the floor," I answered, "I can also tell by the way your face is."  "If the police would let go I'd be less insane," she said.  "YOU ARE INSANE," I said, "YOU JUST ADMITTED IT!"  "When did you get so smart," Mom asked as the police started walking her to the car.  When they got her in the car I relaxed a bit more.  Now I wished more than ever when I was thirteen, to see Fredbears Family Diner open.  "Well I guess I just have to go Freddy Fazbears Stupid Pizza," I thought.  I went back inside wondering what to do now.  I decided to go back to the kitchen and clean up the broken chair.  Just then a thought popped in my mind.  I finished cleaning up the splinters and went to my car.
03.12.2019 19:38
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Before I got into my car, of course my nosy neighbor next door, was standing in the drive way.  "What is going over there," he said.  "Nothing," I responded, "It's none of your business."  "Well if I live in this neighborhood, it is my business to know what is going on," he retorted.  "Well right now is none of your business," I said giving the death glare.  I got into my car and drove off hearing him yelling something.  I decided to check out that Freddy Fazbears place again to see what it looked like now after the brand new update.  I drove into the parking lot and looked at the building.  The sign looked different and the building definitely got a new paint job.  I looked at a sign that said now hiring.
03.12.2019 19:39
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I decided to check out what the job was but my mind was refusing.  It kept bringing back memories of Fazbears Fright and Springtrap.  I told myself it's going to be fine.  I walked in and went to the front desk.  "Hello," said a lady at the front desk, "Welcome to Freddy Fazbears pizza.  How are you today?"  "I'm good thank you," I responded, "I was wondering about the now hiring sign out front.  What is the job?"  "We need to hire a mechanic," she said, "The other one got injured and couldn't do the job anymore.  Are you good with fixing machines?"  I remembered the first time when my dad got a job at Fredbears and his first job was the mechanic.  Every night when he came home he would tell me how to certain things and show me what to do.  "Yeah I am good with machines," I answered at last.  "Well ok then your hired," she said immediately.  "No interview," I asked, "Nothing?"  "Nope," she responded, "If you good with machines, then your hired."
03.12.2019 19:39
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"Ok," I said surprised, "When do I start and how much do I get paid?"  "Your start tomorrow and you get three hundred dollars a day," she said.  "Ok," I said back, "Thank you."  I walked out of the building pretty surprised that I got the job.  Why would I get a job that easily.  Well thanks to my dad, I got a job.  I drove home and wondered what I eat for dinner.  I got out of my car and went to the house.  I went straight to kitchen and pulled out a package of ramen noodles.  I know how cook but I just didn't feel like it.  I made my dinner, went to the living, sat down on the couch, and turned on the TV.  I scrolled through the channels and found a movie.  I watched the movie while eating my dinner.  Since it was summer and it was six o clock, I opened the back door and went outside.  I figured my nosy neighbor next door had heard the back door open because now he was staring over the fence.  "What do want now," I said.
03.12.2019 19:41
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"I still want to know what happened this afternoon," he said back.  "Well your never gonna know," I retorted.  He glared at me and walked back into his house.  Thank god he's gone.  I was looking around the yard when I realized the flowers looked almost dead.  I walked over to the hose and brought it over to the flowers.  I turned it on and watered them.  I turned off the hose and wound it back up. I went back to the back porch and sat down in one of the chairs.  I remember the day Mom and Dad went to go look for patio chairs.  They dragged me along even though I didn't want to come.  I ended up finding chairs that they liked and I still have them.  I heard a noise coming from inside the house.  I stood up quickly and spun around.  I walked cautiously back into the house.  "Hello," I said into the empty house, "Who's there?"
03.12.2019 19:41
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I decided to check the kitchen first to see if anything or anyone was in there.  I looked around but saw nothing.  I picked up a broken chair leg to use in self-defense.  "Hello," I asked again, "Is anyone in here?"  I heard a small squeaking noise coming from the living room.  I went into the living room and hid behind the couch.  I looked up and over the couch and saw a black figure sitting in the middle of the floor chanting something.  I walked up behind it.  "Who are you," I questioned, "Why are you here?"  It must have heard me because it stood up slowly and spun around.  "I am here for you," it said really creepily.  "Why are you here for me," I asked, "What do you want with me?"  It started moving closer until I say that it had no face.  I backed up slowly and the darted towards the back door.  That was the second time that day I darted outside.
03.12.2019 19:41
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"Where are you going Jessica," it yelled from the living room.  "How do you know my name," I asked it.  "Oh reasons," it said.  I had no clue what it meant by reasons but I would rather not find out.  I went out the back door and ran to the fence gate.  I climbed over it and ran to my car.  I remembered I always put my keys in my pant pocket but this time I didn't.  "Why did I keep my keys in my pocket," I thought to myself.  I don't too far from town so I decided to run.  Once I ran all the way to town, I paused for a break.  I didn't know what that humanoid thing was or if it was still chasing me but all I know for certain was it was creepy.  I continued to walk down the street and didn't know where my feet where taking me.  I looked up at a sign above the store and it read "Antiques".  I went in and was amazed.
03.12.2019 19:42
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A whole store filled with old things.  I looked from the left and the right.  The store had tiny path ways in between old chairs, clocks, lamps, paintings, and more.  I continued to walk farther into the store and something yellow caught my eye.  I looked over and it was a little Fredbear and Spring Bonnie sitting on a tiny checkered table.  I went over and looked at the tags.  I saw something and then I realized they were my initials.  I picked them up and brought them to the counter.  I showed the cashier my driver's license and the tags.  "I found them when I was cleaning out the old place when I used to work there," he said, "When I found them I looked at the tags  and found the initials but I don't know why.  I brought them here but nobody seemed to want to buy them.  I had also taken a table along to see if anyone would want it but no one wanted that either.  I decided to put the three together because they were from the same place."
03.12.2019 19:42
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"I bet no one bought them because they had initials on them," I said.  "If you want them you can have them," he said, "I'll just lower the price to thirty dollars."  I paid him thirty dollars and then forgot I didn't have a car.  "Can I come pick these up in about an hour," I asked, "I walked to town."  "That's fine with me," he responded, "I will just put them in back."  I ran home and went into the house quickly grabbed my keys and got into my car.  Thank goodness that creepy child thing was gone.  I drove back to the antiques store and got the items loaded up.  I thanked the man and got into my car.  I decided I should stop at the arts and craft store to get a glass case to store that two plushies in. 
03.12.2019 19:42
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I bought a glass case and drove home.  I drove into my drive way and thought for a minute.  "Would that weird child thing be there or would it be perfectly safe," I thought.  I got out of the car and slowly opened the front door.  I walked in farther and closed the door quietly behind me.  "Hello," I called out.  Nothing.  "Hello," I yelled again.  Still nothing but silence.  "Weird," I thought.  I walked to the kitchen and set the stuff down.  I opened the case and carefully put the plushes in the case.  I walked up stares to my room and set the case on my dresser next to the Fredbear suit head.  I looked at my clock and I decided to go to bed.
03.12.2019 19:43
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I woke up to dreariness the next morning.  I got ready the day and got breakfast and made sure I got everything in order before I left for work.  I drove off of course with my nosy neighbor looking out his window.  When I drove into the parking lot I saw someone inside the building.  "That’s strange," I thought, "This place doesn't open in fifteen minutes."  I watched the silhouette move around tables and chairs.  They kept walking and pausing, walking and pausing, doing this for several minutes.  Finally, I got out of my car and headed towards the back door.
03.12.2019 19:43
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I unlocked it and walked in. I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket a read what I had to do first. The paper said to turn on the animatronics and see if they were working. I figured some of the other staff were hear because I could hear others talking. I walked out of the little room I entered from and looked around. "You’re the new mechanic, eh," a voice from behind me said.
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