- create flipbook animations online!
plz read below
12.12.2018 03:38
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im so sorry for tracing,i didnt know that i couldnt. my school bff told me about flip anim and i just started drawing wolves last month,so im bad it it so my bff gave me a folder full of references,or bases.and she told me i could use them.but she quit flip anim a while ago bc of bullying (shame on u) i forgot her user it was pun master or something. if u want i will leave im sorry to have caused any trouble, please tell me the name sof the people i stole from so i may credit their art. thx for reading and again im so sorry
12.12.2018 03:53
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Don’t quit just cuz some accounts got all mad and started being mean towards you. But yes it was a mistake and you do need to give credit if you use or show someone else art on your account. But as long as you don’t do it again then it’s an honest mistake. All in all dont leave cuz some accounts were mean to u, they’re just trying to make u feel bad.
12.12.2018 04:45
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hoe no she did something illegal don't be nice to her for theft
12.12.2018 18:30
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spaceguts actually ****ing bloody give up already and its not illegal because no one's art that she traced WAS copyrighted
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12.12.2018 08:47
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Sansthepunmaster was your friend? She caused a lot of drama and death threated people, but then claimed that it was everyone else’s fault. She wasn’t “bullied”, she WAS the bully. She called people who were trying to stop her from harassing people “bullies” and then harassed THEM. (Not to mention that she faked depression for folllowers) Anyways, this isn’t about sansthepunmaster, it’s about you leaving. You don’t need to leave because your horrible friend did. BUUUUUUUT.... there is something I need to say: just because you didn’t know what you did was wrong, dosnt mean that you didn’t lie about stealing art, lie about using bases, lie about not knowing what a base was, and continue to trace although people kept telling it was wrong.
12.12.2018 20:08
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i heard about that but Gina is rlly struggling from depression and anxiety bc a bad man did something really bad to her when she was little but shes doing better now and she say shes sorry andshe gave me a folder full of files she said i could copy them for my art and they were free but im not using them anymore im sorry
17.12.2018 00:13
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Um, depression dosnt ecscuses death threats, harassment, and framing people. She still did all those bad things And like I said, you not knowing that it was wrong doesn't ecscuse you lying about who made the art, lying about stealing, and lying about using bases at all. TBH I doubt that you weren’t aware that what you did was wrong and here’s why: 1: people litterally kept telling you that what you were doing was wrong 2: you lied to the people who told you that it was wrong (wich meant that you KNEW that what you were doing was wrong because why would you lie if you were innocent?)
12.12.2018 08:49
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We forgive you Neonwolf. I have 2 tracers called: Nala loves Sans and SammyTheDog They trace everyone
15.12.2018 03:10
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Erm, listen to me guys, before you all freak out about what I'm going to say why don't you consider it for five damn seconds, ok? ok. (profanity =P) So, I don't condone to file stealing, tracing, or not crediting the original creator... but you guys are freaking out about something that doesn't really affect you! Half the art she used is either glitternation or thetaco's (may have missed a few but IDK) soooo, why are all you people getting your pants in a bunch? instead of being unkind, show her what to do! she may not know, or she could have misunderstood! now I doubt she didn't know what she was doing at the time, but that doesn't mean all this hatefulness! for neonwolf: listen what u did was wrong, what u can do now is either delete or credit whatever you traced or got the bases for. (listen if u want drawing tips or bases I'd be happy to help!) ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: dont leave kiddo! everyone makes mistakes, even if... ya know... but dont leave! you have a lot of potential!
17.12.2018 00:21
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1: sooooo... you’re saying that if somebody is having something bad done to them, that we should just stand there and watch? So if somebody is being mugged, we shouldn’t do anything because “it dosnt affect us”? 2: she litterally had people saying “tracing is stealing”, and you’re trying to say that “she might not have known it was bad”? Not to mention that she lied about not tracing , wich means that she knew it was wrong since she LIED to everyone about it. 3: people saying that tracing is bad, dosent mean that they’re being “hateful” and “unkind”. It’s just people telling her to stop being a little twit and tracing. Stopping a robber from robbing a bank, dosnt mean that you’re “being mean to the robber”.
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