Guess it's a trend?
16.06.2019 04:32
LinkSaw a ton of other people doing it and it's something I wonder so
It's rewind time
It probably won't impact me. When someone dies, I just don't really feel any emotions about it? It's just, "oh, they're dead. That's sad, I guess." I lost a very dear friend of mine, and it just seemed like I didn't care. Honestly, I take pride in being an asshole, but not caring about someone dying makes me feel like I should just burn in hell. I know no one cares about that, but I just want you to know a reason behind my answer? Sorry. (I'll miss you, though)
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I don't know rlly I would be heartbroken but at the same time it's not rlly the kind of thing i`d cry over cuz I don't know u all too well if that makes sense