@TinTheStarFox...C H A T
13.05.2019 22:16
What happened??!!!
Pls come soon!!!
Its fine.. im scared af rn
Ok, my mom was looking in me sis's lunch pail and the food was eaten.. she wondered what she was eating and checked her backpack, there was tons of loot in there! Or should I say stolen items! She even packed herself a freaking container OF SUGAR! JUST STRAIGHT SUGAR! But what my mom found out was not sweet, oh and boy was she angry... MY SIS STOLE HER BLUE DIAMOND NECKLACE THAT MY DAD GAVE MY MOTHER! SHE WAS CRYING BC IT ****ING GAVE HER THE MEMORY OF MY DAD!! look up how expensive a blue diamond is also..... IT WAS ALSO A BIG PIECE (Not as big as a stone but u know) I hear my sis cryin and screaming I cant believe what my mom is doing..