



A: "S O R I E L"

Watch Where You're Going!

Request from AnimatorLila
Updates/Announcements Belowowo


10.05.2019 20:58
LinkHey, yo!
So, I know I haven't uploaded in ages, but here are a few updates/announcements on things.
Basically, I'm working on something, and used the beta editor to post this. On May 31st, I hope to upload a special thing I've been working on. I haven't turned off my laptop for 3 weeks so it would stay saved on there. And out of those 3 weeks, I've only worked for four days because:
1. I'm lazy.
2. Unfortunately, I have a life.
3. other excuse I haven't come up with yet
For those of you who don't know, I can't save files because idk,,technology hates me. Anyway, I want the deadline to be May 31st cuz it also has to do with the drawing/animation. ;)
Another thing I wanted to say is that I won't be online as much as I used to be. Especially in the Summer. I have a bunch of things to do in this time of y e a r.
Technically, that's all for now. Take it easy.

10.05.2019 21:01
Link;c sad
Happy you still had time to come here tho <3

10.05.2019 21:38
Linkfhjsj thanks!

Awww, sorry to hear we won't be seeing you as much. But don't worry, we understand completely. GL with real life and your project!