wanna rp w/ me? :D


14.06.2018 18:43
LinkGets ocs "

14.06.2018 18:46
LinkJax( fs spirit follows him so he stays calm), naitailie , star and sugar maybe ren

14.06.2018 18:49
LinkAnd ashley cajse shes funny af , tell me when we start

(starts down here)
maxie- *talking with blue*
pedel- *barely is noticed but is outside*
plum- *grabing stuff out of his locker*
(just realized i only had males. so ima add some girls)
peach- *eating some fruit in the hallway*
тепло- *she looks exhausted but is reading a book in class already*

Jax: a spirit follows him along with some disembodied pith black hands as he walks to clasz"
Ashley: looks around her locker while putting her books in it"
Naitailke: listening tl music"
Sugar:in music room lracticing her singing"
Star: a new exchange student"
Ren:outside with the birds and flowers"

pedel- whats your classes. *he just looks at her. (very aqword, weird, quiet, undertale oc. also one of my strongest oc xD)*
тепло- *she sences him looking at her and slightly growls but is quiet with the growls. looks back at him* please dont look at me. (i just realized you must be confused what she looks like xD. she turned out to be my oc ->)

*the second bell rings telling people class has started*
plum- you alright? (wait are they in english class or something else?)
тепло- *she groans and sits in front, far away from them. luckly there was an open seat*
pedel- *he nods and walks to english*
english teatcher- pedel? were have you been?! go take a seat. i hope your not like this for the rest of the year! now lets begin.
pedel- *sits down unaffected from the teacher*