

11.05.2018 03:05
LinkI tried. I tried so damn hard to keep a smile on my face.
This month has been hell. I dealt with bullies, someone wanting to fight me,and I just lost a friend today...
at first I thought she was just mad at me. Then around 2:00 pm a close friend told me that she said I was annoying. I couldn’t help but cry for the rest of the day.
Most don’t know this about me but I’m not as rude as you think I am. I have a thin shell and only a few (3) insults can set me off. So when I heard that I had lost a friend, someone i trusted for 2 years, I couldn’t help myself.
But that’s not the first fake friend I had had this month. It all sounds stupid, but when your a crybaby like I am... you go from “Super bubbly, and exited” to “dont talk to me, I’m upset” in 30 seconds

26.05.2018 00:32
Linki know, i hide it inside, i am dead inside too