Lay:calls some friends"hey stell dark and bixy whant to hace out after school?
Stella:u know it!
Dark:what?is that girl code? ...never minde ok
Max:Yay dark is back wow"rolls eyes
Lay:shut up max*gets a lighter and mágicly starts smoking
Mia:-sees the bus reached school- -got off bus,and walked off bus,without paying attention,and bumped into nothing,while reading-
Calvin:-has cigarette in mouth still-
Candy:-gets off bus-
Mia:-was paying more attention to book,and tripped over a boy's foot-
Leo:helps Mia up-
Mia:-still reads- -was walking like nothing happened,and bumped into Max- -finally realized reality- sorry!
Max:takes a deep breath and seems out of class and goes to the boys bathroom and sees bixy in the reflection
Bixy:hey Max
Lay:i hope my vistion wont come true *whispers
Leo:In the night... In the night when I'm home...mama sleeps, quietly in her room... Christmas eve... knowing where presents go, don't make a peep... be quiet my tattletail… -sings quietly-
Lay:uses dark MAGIC and casts a protección spell
Max:help me please bixy
Bixy:blood?again just Stay locked away from people
Max:licks myslef in a bathroom with a mearor