- create flipbook animations online!
oh my god..
20.02.2018 18:54
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I have so many questions about so many things right now. The first one involves the we all live in a simulation theory, second involving twenty one pilots. Okay, so two days ago I didn't sleep all night. I sat up in bed. The next day, I took a few small naps in the car for idk how long. don't remember when I got in the car or when I got out at home. Around six pm, I fell asleep. I got woken up around 11 PM when my dad tucked me in again because I had kicked my covers off. Okay so, my memory is very bad BUT one of the few things I can actually remember is days, times, and dates. T
20.02.2018 19:00
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(dang it) Two minutes ago I swear it was Feb. 19. and around twelve AM. It is now apperently 1:55, which I believe because time flies when you are busy, but my laptop also claims it is Feb 20. At first I felt like maybe I had slept through a few hours, but no. I have not felt tired all day, also I nwas on a call with a friend and I could still hear her meaning I did not fall asleep. Not to mention, she could see me! If I were to have fallen asleep she would have seen me asleep on the camera! Also, something creepy I saw today was the trees. Yesterday, when I got home, no blossoms on the trees. This morning, blooming blossoms. I know plants grow fast but with the trees in my yard and the weather those takes months to grow! Those do not grow in a few hours people! This is like the time I went to Hawaii. I got on the plane and it was Wenesday and early morning, but when I got home it was Thursday and in the afternoon. Now, that I knew was just the timezone change, but it still felt really weird to me.
20.02.2018 19:03
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Okay, now for the second thing. The twenty one pilots hiatus theories. I'm not going to get that deep into them, so just google it and find loads of info on it. It is very creepy and cryptic and I love it and believe it all but it seems a little off. Fellow twenty one pilots nerd will know what I mean. I mean, twenty one pilots are so famous right now and a lot richer that the google thing could be a coicidence and just what google thinks matches the images but they could have very easily gotten them to do that. I mean, when you search up the logo from the store, why does the word light come up? The only light thing on it is the letters! The background is black! Idk, I'm looking too deep into this, it's just weird to me..
20.02.2018 19:11
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R.I.P whoever read this hole freaking thing..
20.02.2018 19:11
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