Why do I do this to myself
29.07.2019 23:05
LinkI’m reading a science book for school rn. And I don’t have any school.
Why am I doing this? I’m reading a school book FOR NO REASON
29.07.2019 23:07
LinkI guess I got so bored that I wanted to read about atoms and molecules?? Idk
I hate reading wich is why I’m even more confused why I want to do this
29.07.2019 23:10
LinkWhy do all the scientist’s names in this book have to be so unpronounceable.... and how come they’re all Greek dudes
29.07.2019 23:15
LinkWtf, apearently Aristotle was the guy who came up with the idea that flies turned into meat. I thought he was supposed to be smart. Was I lied to by history?