Meet Victor


05.02.2019 03:06
Likes-long walks at night- styling hair, though he refuses to let anyone touch his (if he does he be crushin)-Tea (often a substitute for blood)
Dislikes-Dogs (similar to the rivalry between werewolves and his kind)-water (he can’t swim)-the sun (obviously)
Extra- Victor is, well, a Vampire, but he carries a strange trait that most others don’t, white hair, this indicates he can go out during the day (as long as it's cloudy), this is however a disadvantage at night because his hair and skin practically glow in the dark, so he has to lead people off in order to “feed”, he goes off pretending to be human at day simply by pulling his hair over his oddly pointed ears, thought i should mention, he’s a hell of a flirt, and can do so without even realizing it, the key around his neck is to a journal to one of his past lovers who he couldn’t resist to feed off of, the cloth around his wrist is off of her dress,he is thousands of years old

05.02.2019 03:06
Link and this can be shown in some of his clothing choices, he is physically about 22, but he’s extremely sarcastic with his sense of humor, but don’t let his jokes and flirting fool you, chances are you’re only food to him

Victor:*he'd play around with it a bit* huh...alright i've got an idea *adds in some French braids and twists, then pulling it up into a bun, he'd do her edges (the squiggly thingy's with gel), and let out a bit in front of her ears, curling them a bit, he's adding some final touches, basically like 5 inches away from her face, though he's looking at her hair and not at her eyes it's still a bit (bgjdxygbrdmjuksbciz,S) his skin is smooth and basically perfect, but pale, and his eyes a sharp, piercing red color*
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Elise- *she comes out holding a couple barrettes and and a brush, she’d put the barrettes on her wrist and brush out his hair, noticing it’s already silky smooth, damn boi what do you use, she French braids his hair by the sides and turns into a ponytail, she hands him a hand mirror* “It’s not the best as you do, but it’s simplistic. ^^” “
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Victor: I suppose it's fine, she...well for one she accepted me *he'd give a weak chuckle* kept me hidden and saved my skin multiple times, on top of this she'd always put me before her, bravest woman i've ever met.....and in the end that's what killed her....I was accused of being a Vampire, she took the blame, calming it was her and not I....she was hung the following day...*gives a weak smile looking back at Elise* you look like her...
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Victor:*watches for a moment, he can hear her heart beating and his mouth would start to water, clearing his throat he'd sit up straight, looking around there are too many people, he groans a bit* i'm gonna go grab a bite to eat, if I see you again sometime soon maybe you can join me *he smirks a bit*