what happened durin lunch
05.12.2019 22:45
Linko lol
K im back! So I usually walk the track during free time after lunch and this happened.
Me: *talking with my friend Naveah and Joseph*
Venna and Danica: *ran over to us to walk with us*
Nevaeh: *hugs me* ILY MOM!!!
Venna: *pulls me away from her* NO SHES MY MOM!!!!
Nevaeh: NO!!! MINE!!!
Venna: *chases Navaeh, wacking her with her sweatshirt sleeves*
Danica: *tries help7ng me stop them*
Venna and Nevaeh: *haveing an epic war*
The later on we got them to chill but Joseph started walking across the foitball feild and I had to chase him. When I came back, Danica tried attacking Venna cause Venna wacked her with her sleeve. I calmed Danica down then we waked across the feild cause the bell was about to ring. And FYI, Im a mother to 51. All my friends (execept my friend whos my mother) and thier siblings.