how i come up with hs aus


31.01.2020 15:25
Linkaus ive come up with
roadtrip au, where dave and karkat drop out of highschool, to run from bro.
au where karkat breaks up with terezi to focus on helping gamzee, but he refuses to listen to the fact that he is barely making any progress. gamzee eventually snaps and kills everyone, and literally rips out terezi's eyes, not just blinding her. karkat and terezi meet up in the dream bubbles, and terezi originally shuns karkat, but they eventually get back together.
sollux goes to a behavioaral correction camp, which coincidentally has dave going there as well. they get together (obviously).

31.01.2020 15:35
Linkmore aus!
secret sleepover society! vriska, terezi, jade, aradia, feferi, kanaya, and rose have sleepovers often and talk about their feelings about their feelings. its very cute.
the trolls, beta kids, and alpha kids all have a dnd campaign. i actually have a google doc for this, and an ask blog., please ask me things.
cowboy au, equius is the sheriff and nepeta is the deputy. eridan is a bandit.
jade goes to a furry con with dave. jade goes with just a plush and ears, dave buys a whole fursuit.

31.01.2020 15:40
Linkgsa au. just. they go to a gsa.

31.01.2020 16:23
Linkbuzzfeed unsolved au, shane is sollux and ryan is aradia.